avatarXandra O.


The article reflects on the influence of the internet and social media on personal dreams and ambitions, questioning whether our aspirations are authentically ours or shaped by the success and lifestyles of others.


The author, a product of the internet era, acknowledges the expanded horizons of possibility that the digital age has brought. With the visibility of diverse success stories online, the author ponders the authenticity of personal dreams, wondering if they are truly individual or a reflection of societal affirmation. The piece highlights the risk of losing one's uniqueness by emulating the curated lives presented on social media platforms. It emphasizes the importance of authenticity and genuine hard work in achieving success, rather than simply mirroring the apparent ease of others' achievements. The article encourages readers to critically assess their aspirations, ensuring they align with personal desires rather than popular trends, and suggests that focusing on one's own path can lead to unexpected and fulfilling outcomes.


  • The author suggests that the internet has broadened our view of what we can achieve in life, but also cautions that this can lead to coveting dreams that are not truly our own.
  • There is a concern that the constant exposure to others' lives through vlogs and social media can cause individuals to lose sight of their own identity and aspirations.
  • The article posits that while inspiration from others can be beneficial, obsessive comparison and the desire to replicate someone else's success can be detrimental.
  • It is pointed out that success often appears easier than it is, neglecting the years of consistent effort and various contributing factors like timing, money, and luck.
  • The author advocates for the importance of authenticity in pursuing one's dreams, believing that being true to oneself is key to success.
  • The piece encourages a self-reflective approach to dreams and goals, urging individuals to ensure that their ambitions are genuinely aligned with their personal interests and values.

Are Your Dreams Really Your Dreams?

Notes on coveting what’s not for you

Image by [email protected] from Pixabay

As a child of the internet generation, my perspective on life’s possibilities is broader than that of previous generations. The dreams I had for my life were more than just fantasies. If I worked at it, they could come true.

Since I saw regular people like me making it on the internet in a variety of ways, I had hope for more than just the straight and narrow path. Luckily for me, my parents always affirmed that it was good to dream big.

As an adult now, I’ve been considering how much other people’s successes have influenced what I considered to be “my” dreams. As humans, we rarely live in isolation, free from others’ ideas about how life should be.

While I have interests I’ve been drawn to since childhood, such as writing, I sometimes wonder if my ambitions are mine or, rather, my desire to be affirmed by society.

Nowadays, it’s so easy to get sucked into how other people live that we forget to focus on our own lives. I watch a lot of vlogs on YouTube and get inspired by how aesthetic their lives are crafted to be, so I design my life to mirror those aesthetics. I forget that I’m watching dozens of hours of footage edited down to be pleasing to us viewers.

There’s nothing wrong with being inspired by others' routines to implement in our lives as they suit us. However, when we start to compare ourselves and feel like we have to mirror how a person lives in order to be successful like they are, we lose the essence of being ourselves.

Have you noticed how people on social media copy each other so much that many start to look and act the same? We lose our uniqueness when we chase what’s popular.

I’ve noticed that many of us often go chasing what looks easy when we don’t know the backstory of how someone got to where they are. It could be timing, a lot of money, or even luck.

What looks like an overnight success is often years of consistency and hard work. Without taking these into account, you try following in their footsteps and give up when you don’t get the results as quickly as you thought you would.

A factor that leads to success is authenticity. Are you being yourself or are you crafting an image that you think others will like more? We often have more success when we’re genuine.

This isn’t to discourage anyone from following their dreams. I just want to open a dialogue to have you consider whether what you desire is truly for you or is influenced by what’s popular.

The internet has widened our understanding of what’s possible in this life, so perhaps your dreams have been fine-tuned. But don’t chase what’s popular, focus on what you desire and the results may surprise you.

Thank you for reading!

Following Your Dreams
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