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The author discusses overcoming fear and insecurity to live a creative and powerful life, emphasizing the importance of taking action despite doubts and the fear of rejection.


The article delves into the author's personal journey of confronting fear in pursuit of a creative and impactful life. Initially hesitant to publish articles due to fear, the author took a leap of faith by starting to write on Medium, leading to successful publications with AINYF and Illumination. Despite ongoing doubts and past rejections, the author has continued to write and submit articles, finding joy in the process and a sense of purpose in helping others. The article encourages readers to acknowledge and move past their fears, stressing that action is the key difference between success and failure, and that self-accountability is crucial for personal growth. The author shares insights from a writing partner and quotes Alexander Graham Bell and Michael Jordan to inspire readers to act courageously and not let fear dictate their lives.


  • The author believes that fear is a common obstacle that can be overcome through action, as exemplified by their own experience with writing and publishing.
  • Writing and submitting articles to various publications is seen as a way to grow as a writer and conquer fear.
  • Rejection is acknowledged as a part of the creative process and not a reason to stop trying.
  • The author values the guidance received from a retired creative writing professor, indicating the importance of mentorship in personal development.
  • There is an acknowledgment of the joy derived from the writing process and the fulfillment that comes from assisting others through one's work.
  • The author suggests that fear and imposter syndrome can be debilitating but should not be allowed to hinder one's ambitions.
  • Success is defined by the ability to take action and not by the absence of fear or the guarantee of victory.
  • Self-reliance and respect for one's commitments are considered essential for achieving a creative and powerful life.
  • The author asserts that courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it, and that this courage leads to a fulfilling life.

Are You Letting Fear Deter You From Living a Powerful, Creative Life?

We must override the fear that is at the root of our insecurity.

Photo by Ian Wagg on Unsplash

There’s an underlying vein of fear running through me.

It always has been there, yet I’ve learned to overcome it by just doing, as Nike instructed us decades ago.

I wanted to write and submit articles to various online publications, yet I was afraid. I vacillated. I hesitated. Why the heck was this so?

I took the big plunge in January of 2021 to publish on Medium, thanks to the encouragement of a friend.

I was new to writing. My first attempt was to start a blog over four years ago. Yes, four years is a reasonable amount of time to have gained adequate skills. However, I only wrote one article a week on that platform.

I wanted to grow and submit to other publications. After taking the dive into Medium, wouldn’t submitting a post to the subsequent publication and the following one be a dog paddle in comparison? Again, why the hesitation?

Finally, I gathered my courage and applied to AINYF, submitted my first piece, and voila’ — published.

It took me another year to apply to be a writer for Illumination. They were bigger fish to catch, and I felt trepidation. Holy moly, I submitted an article, and they published it, too.

Now that I’m submitting several articles weekly to various pubs, I’ve gained more practice to evolve as a writer.

Still, doubt and insecurity creep into my mind, and I question if this article or that one will be rejected.

I’ve been rejected before. Hey, who hasn’t? Writers far superior to me have suffered this experience.

It’s part of the ride, part of the lesson.

Here’s my first article published with Illumination about fear.

I also am privileged to have a writing partner, a retired creative writing professor at a prestigious university. I’ve learned oodles of tips, tactics, and rules of writing to help me on this incredible journey.

Still, I waver. My stalling fuels my fear.

Perhaps it is because my fellow writers publish excellent stories and essays, and I believe mine pale in comparison.

The other side of the equation is I’m so enjoying the writing process I don’t want to stop. I also know I’m helping others by speaking about subjects they are experiencing. Some are suffering, and I understand that, as well.

Photo by Galymzhan Abdugalimov on Unsplash

Still, at times, fear and believing I’m an imposter are the culprits holding me hostage about my inexperience in creative writing.

Enough whining.

If I want to live creatively and powerfully, I cannot allow fear to hinder my ambitions. Nor will I permit flimsy excuses to sabotage my writing plans.

I know I am not alone in this dilemma.

The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action. — Alexander Graham Bell.

Do you repeatedly delay a project or activity, unaware of why? Or perhaps you are conscious of the why, but still, you put it off?

Many of you encounter uncertainty and indecision, too. Let’s stop this and be accountable to ourselves, if not to someone else.

Are you fully aware that allowing fear to rule repeatedly — can become a way of life? Don’t let that happen.

Take pride in doing what you say you will do when someone else relies on you.

Relying on yourself to respect and value your word is just as important.

I will continue to submit posts to various publications under the Medium umbrella.

I conquered my fear. Although I know there will be challenges and opportunities ahead that may temporarily derail me, I will prevail.

Courage is awarded to us when we overcome our fears. Courage leads the way to a creative, powerful life.

If I can do it — you can, too.

Whatever you have been stalling on out of fear — stop it. Indeed, success lies in the attempt, not in the victory.

I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something, but I can’t accept not trying. — Michael Jordan.

Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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