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Are You a Patriot?

Or is Your Allegiance to a Political Party? Questions - from The Mountain

Photo by Brandi Alexandra on Unsplash

“Stop making stupid people famous.” This pretty much sums up politics today in America.

A Senate race in Georgia pits a former football player who has lied about pretty much everything in his life, from his college degree (none) to police records and court filings detailing his physical threats with a gun and verbal attacks on his ex-wife… and he hasn’t lived in the state for years.

His opponent is a long-time pastor of a church who has been active in numerous community projects, has lived in Georgia for decades and is currently elected to the Senate.

Current polls have the ex-football player winning. Of course. Why not? Voters seem to think it’s their duty to make stupid people famous.

This is in a state that elected another person to Congress who claims the forest fires in California were caused by Jewish lasers from outer space, and that those in her party (Republicans) who disagree with her are pedophiles.

These are just a couple of the “leaders” being elected to the government. The problem is nationwide. Our society has reached new depths, promoting those who attack others based upon race, religion, who spew hatred, whose allegiance is to themselves, their power, and their political party. All the while calling themselves patriots, leading chants of “USA”. Hypocrites, liars, disingenuous grifters seeking power and money.

Asking myself “why we are where we are?” the answer came to me this morning… via an interview with Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) and Axios journalist Jonathan Swan.

When pressed as to whether he had a “red line” as far as who he supports politically, particularly in the upcoming Presidential race, McConnell refused to answer. What he did say was he would always support ‘the party’ over the country.

“I think I have an obligation to support the nominee of my party...”

Therein lies the problem. And it’s a huge problem. When we as a nation have elected ‘leaders’ placing themselves, their political party, and their access to power over the best interests of the nation, we are then as a nation headed over a cliff. Unfortunately, we see the same from society and from voters.

The actions of January 6th, 2021 are direct evidence of this. People and elected officials call themselves patriots while attempting to disembowel the nation's ability to conduct elections.

The very fact we have several hundred elected ‘leaders’ running this government who admit to making determinations that affect the future of our democracy, NOT based upon what is best for the nation but instead based upon what is best for themselves and their political party, is mindboggling.

It is what will be our downfall as a nation.

Society has been manipulated and taught, by those elected to lead, to distance themselves from the love of their country. When society turns on each other, turns against the government while proclaiming they are “patriots”, chanting “USA” and in the same breathe screaming to hang and murder those they disagree with, calling for physical attacks against others, then we as a country are in trouble.

Society mimics Congress and has become a divided, partisan body with allegiance to a single person or a single party. Those calling themselves “patriots” are not. Far from being patriots, they are sheep being led to slaughter by wolves seeking power and money. They have no idea the destruction they do to our country.

Allegiance to a person or party, and not our country… is a recipe for the end of democracy and freedom.

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