Archangel Michael on Arrogance
Do you feel like a creep?
This article is meant for those that resonate with these lyrics:
“I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I don’t belong here, I don’t belong here.”
Talking to Archangel Michael was a BIG deal for me. I had never had a proper conversation with an angel before, other than a brief “hello”. I talk to my spirit guide all the time and even have chats with Mother Earth here and there, but I was EXTREMELY intimidated by the angels. I didn’t feel like I was worthy to waste their time. So, when my spirit guide sent me straight to the top, to Archangel Michael, it was incredibly daunting for me.
I had no idea how to even approach it or how to start the conversation. I wasn’t given instructions, just pushed in that direction. I tried with something lame, like “are you able to clear my issues?” or “how do I talk to you?” but I got nothing. Not only nothing, but the very strong impression that I was being purposely ignored. Okay, not off to a great start, but I persevered, as I was now incredibly curious.
I tried to approach the question in a different way, as I was distinctly getting the impression that there was some sort of protocol I wasn’t following. I asked to confirm: “Am I approaching this the wrong way?” Finally, I got a resounding “YES.” However, instead of being discouraged, I was energized, I got a response, and a connection was made. Almost immediately, I started to feel his energy, which provided more guidance on the direction to go.
I kept going: “How do I address you?”. Then the floodgates opened. Archangel Michael explained that I need to address angels with self-respect. If I don’t have respect for myself when addressing them, this is incredibly disrespectful to them. For those that don’t have respect for themselves, are incapable of showing proper respect to others. This completely blew my mind.
I have recently become acutely aware of the fact that I’m not respecting myself and have been working on an extreme blockage in my throat chakra, which was impacting my third eye. However, I have not been able to rationalize in my head why this was important, which was effectively impeding my progress. After all, isn’t it more important to love others over yourself? Otherwise, how can the world become a better place?
Archangel Michael didn’t have to answer though, I already knew the answer, his energy simply confirmed it, as it was helping me to understand what self-respect felt like. We can’t help others unless we help ourselves first. I’ve been told this countless times but still struggle with it. My instinct is to love others and sacrifice myself. I can also feel that the instinct of the world is the opposite (male dominated), which further pushes me in this direction as I’m instinctively trying to counteract it.
However, it is this kind of thinking that has left a gaping dark hole in my throat chakra. If left unchecked, it will slowly destroy my body, not allowing me to do any good on Earth. So, I focused on his energy of self-respect and let it become comfortable in my body. After all, now that I knew that focusing on myself is showing respect and love to others, I became more comfortable with the idea.
But the more I sat with it, the more that doubts started to creep up. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to address these doubts. I asked Archangel Michael another question: “How can we have self-respect without arrogance?” The two were tied together in my mind and I realized this was the real reason I couldn’t bring myself to have proper self-respect. The answer unequivocally rocked my world.
Archangel Michael explained that arrogance is the shadow self that I have been suppressing. It never even occurred to me that arrogance could BE a shadow self. When shadows are being referred to, it is generally a left sided (right brained) quality. After all, it’s even called a SHADOW, which to me implied the left side, the side of Kali, Hades and Satan. Also, my right side is very strong and healthy, it’s my left side that’s incredibly weak and in need of healing.
However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. My left side was weak BECAUSE I was suppressing my right side. I was not embracing my right sided powers and therefore not letting them heal my left side. Not only that, but I was wasting precious left sided energy in trying to suppress the right side. This was creating issues with my third eye because I wasn’t able to integrate the two sides.
And the root cause was my distaste for arrogance. It suddenly became obvious why. I had grown up with an extremely arrogant father and forced to respect others through my father’s dominance and through my mother’s guilt. Self-respect was not a quality that was valued in my family. Similarly, the church confirmed every week that I should love others more than myself, further embedding this king of thinking into my subconscious.
Between my father becoming the opposite of an ideal role model for me and the church reinforcing thoughts of self-sabotage, I had grown to believe that arrogance was the absolutely worst quality a human being could have. So, despite being an incredibly perceptive and intelligent person, I always doubted my own intuition and knowledge because I believed this was my arrogance talking. Despite my mind constantly trying to feed me information that confirmed that I should trust my knowledge and intuition, I would suppress it as arrogance.
Archangel Michael confirmed by explaining that thinking of arrogance as “wrong” is causing my issues. “I only believed this because others had told me this, not because I believed it to be truth inside,” he explained. Arrogance is a tool, just like every other quality of a human being. It can be used for both good and bad but is not good or bad in and of itself. In fact, the more I try to suppress my arrogance, the more I will actually be perceived as arrogant. This was true, and I suddenly recognized a negative loop that I was creating to feel loved by others.
Similarly, the more I suppress my self-respect, the more I’m actually perceived as confident. People have always told me that they see me as confident and sometimes even intimidating, but I never understood why. I am just incredibly curious and can’t help but to stand up for truth I told myself, not really understanding the dynamic at play. Now I understand that my extreme need for self-validation is being perceived very differently than it feels inside.
But what Archangel Michael said next, eradicated all my remaining doubts: “If you don’t accept your arrogance, you will constantly bow down to those with arrogance.” This really hit home. I suddenly thought back to all the triggers that facilitated my dark night of the soul. I was so egregiously disrespected by my boss, my brother, my friends and my twin, that I was finally forced to stick up for myself. This resulted in a horrific spiral of shame, but it shouldn’t have. I was meant to stand up for myself and develop this skill.
Following this conversation, I felt so empowered, like I could do anything. This was the feeling I’ve been suppressing all along. For I’m not a creep, I’m not a weirdo, and I most definitely do belong here. And so do YOU. You not only belong here but you are needed here. For Archangel Michael cannot save the planet on his own, he needs his army, and we can’t help him if we’re wallowing in our own self-pity.
You are a warrior. It’s time to wake up and act like one.
If you’d like to chat about your experience, e-mail me at [email protected]. I write on here and connect with people because I love learning and believe that it is a time to unite!
Happy exploring!