

The author of the article is experiencing a delay in receiving their Medium Partner Program payment for August, which was expected to be processed by September 8, and is seeking to understand the cause and whether others are facing similar issues.


The author of the Medium post is expressing concern over a delay in their payment from the Medium Partner Program for the earnings accrued in August. The payment was expected to be sent out by September 8, but the author has not received it. They have provided tax documents as requested and are puzzled by the delay, especially since they were proactive in submitting the necessary forms on time. The author has noticed an update in their payment paragraph with further notes but is still without the expected funds. They are reaching out to the Medium community to see if others are also experiencing delays and to speculate on possible reasons for the holdup, such as an underestimation of payouts compared to the funds received from new $5 Partner Program member dues.


  • The author is frustrated with the delay in payment, which was supposed to be sent out by September 8.
  • There is a sense of anticipation and excitement prior to the expected payment date, as evidenced by the author's screenshot from September 2.
  • The author speculates that the delay could be due to Medium's payouts significantly exceeding the funds received from new $5 Partner Program member dues.
  • Despite submitting the required tax documents (W-2 form) on time, the author is facing unexpected payment issues.
  • The author is seeking solidarity and information from other Medium writers, wondering if they


Anyone else receiving a delay message about last month’s pay-out?

Or am I the only one having issues🙈

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

I still am waiting on my payment from August. The payment Medium advised would be sent out “typically” by September 8th (today!) for the previous month’s total earnings (August 1st — 31st).

PHOTO: Screenshot on September 8, 2023, at 8:45 AM US, ET — taken by AUTHOR

Update: September 2

Here is my screenshot on September 2, 2023 — as I excitedly waited for that first paycheck to come in!

Looks like we are still on track to hit that September 8 date 😬

PHOTO: Screenshot on September 2, 2023—taken by AUTHOR

Delays happen, of course. But what exactly could the reason for the delay, I began to wonder!

Could be the Medium projections department completely failed their forecast for payouts! They planned to make all payments with all those brand new $5 Partner Program member dues, but alas! Maybe the payouts way exceeded the received funds!

Update: September 8 — my discovery

But then I just noticed this morning — when looking back at my August total earnings, they updated my payment paragraph with some further notes:

PHOTO: Screenshot on September 8, 2023, at 8:45 AM US, ET — taken by AUTHOR

Hmm. What? 🤨

I provided my tax documents (my USA, W-2 form) back last month when it was requested, prior to the given deadline (Advising, Medium needed to receive the form by so-and-so date otherwise, the payment would be delayed).

So I did it. The W2 was approved.

I didn’t screenshot it because I uploaded the document from my laptop, and everything was accepted. 😕

What gives? Anyone else seeing this message appear?

My question remains, anyone else still waiting to see that money pile show in Stripe?? 👀

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Payment Issues
Medium Earnings
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