Anybody Writing Novels?
It’s NaNoWriMo!

For those not hip to the novel writing lingo, it stand for National Novel Writing Month.
Here we are 9 days into the challenge and I am just reminded of it as I’m typing away at my newest novel that I hope to publish by sometime next year.
It’s a part of a series so my fans (close family and friends) are anxiously awaiting part 4. No pressure though, I’m just spinning in my office chair while biting at my fingernails trying to squeeze info out of my muse for the next plot twist.
The novel is getting good. I’m not bored with it or anything, I’m just not focused. I don’t have ADHD but it’s hard to argue that while I’m writing.
Anyway. The challenge is to complete a novel in 30 days. But for some of us realistic writers, it’s supposed to challenge you to write every day.
With Medium in my lap at every empty minute I have, I can’t seem to focus on my novel. That’s why I’m writing about on here now.
Since I’m already 8 days behind, I have still decided to do my best at getting as much writing on my novel done as I can. It’s difficult to write during the holidays because so much is going on but I think I can manage to steal at least an hour each day to dedicate to this novel.
Well, who else is joining in on the fun? Who else needs the motivation of a group of writing coming together to get that novel off your laptop and into the hands of anxious readers.
There might be a writers strike going on for the movie scene but novel writers are in full swing. This is our time to shine. Turn off your TV and go write!
Or if you don’t have as much will power, ask someone to hid your remote where you will never find it. That should be enough to make you write. F.Y.I My remote is still missing and I never asked anyone to hide it. I’m just tired of looking for it.