avatarDr John Frederick Rose


Annoying Leaking Tap.

Yes, I’m Getting it Fixed.

My leaking tap, annoying, wasting hot water. I’m getting it fixed. Picture by John Rose.

Tap has been slowly leaking, Annoying now starting to gush, Hot water bill sobering experience, Apartment uses gas fired water heaters, Gas price up over 25% Same again next year, No wonder home solar power installs accelerating in Australia!

But my fellow apartment dwellers have little choice apart from minimising use, Getting tap fixed now my top priority, Thought occurred, Leaky taps pipes hoses and connections common occurrences in homes, But, What about distribution systems?

Fixing Leaks and Losses in Distribution Systems?

Water losses in distribution system from two causes, Real leakages from pipes connections storage overflows and reservoir evaporation, Secondly losses from unauthorized consumption metering inaccuracies and data handling errors.

Local Sydney distribution system efficiency report shows jump in number of larger leaks, Longer running times for smaller leaks and marked rise in time taken to fix water main breaks.

State-owned distributor says fixing every leak would drive up water bills, Seems cost reduction driven by desire to increase dividends to state government, Distributor states “not economically viable or technically feasible” to eliminate all leaks.

The Problem.

Our water distributor is relentlessly cost driven to maximise profits, Should be changed and mandated to focus on conservation including energy wasted on pumping water in leaky system.

Putting it bluntly I’m sick of funding others’ wasteful ways.

Look at your distributors and ask difficult questions.

How much electricity lost in grid? (It’s about 8%).

What about gas leaks? (Total loss rate 3.3 to 4.7% of natural gas from well to consumer in USA).

Think I’m just scratching surface of deep deep cesspit, Reminder, Users always pay.

Blessed be.

Wow, tap repaired. Look, it shines! Picture by John Rose.
Waste Management
Water Distribution
Resource Management
Climate Action
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