

The author reflects on the experience of being accepted into the Illumination publication, drawing parallels between the process of crafting a bio and personal traits, and expresses enthusiasm about joining the community.


The author describes the mix of delight and disbelief upon being accepted into the Illumination publication, a feeling akin to winning a competition against strong contenders. This acceptance prompts a compulsive need to create a list and draft a bio that meets high personal standards and aligns with the quality of other Illumination writers. The author details the process of writing, rewriting, and seeking feedback, which mirrors personal characteristics such as being an achiever, having a software background, being a researcher, and a mother. The bio reflects the author's identity as a techie from India, a Business Intelligence/Data Analyst by profession, and a writer by passion. The author concludes by expressing excitement about engaging with the Illumination community and shares a personal photo.


  • The author believes in the importance of self-improvement and meeting high standards, as evidenced by the meticulous process of drafting and editing the bio.
  • There is a strong emphasis on the value of community and connection, shown by the author's eagerness to read and connect with others in the Illumination community.
  • The author values productivity and efficiency, adopting principles from their software background like time-boxing and 'Done is Better than Perfect'.
  • Motherhood

Analysis of my Introduction

Because it is More Revealing Than I Realized and a lot More Interesting too!

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Have you seen the Winners Announcement of a beauty pageant? Or a Ninja warrior? Or [insert favorite Talent show]? (I know this is a Writer’s intro but bear with me) Just imagine that scene for a second…

You know that face the winner makes when they receive the announcement? Sheer delight mixed with disbelief?

I used to wonder as a kid at the disbelief- I mean they all work hard to get there and be there among those top contenders . It’s no easy feat to maintain that awesome body/ mind/ talent. So, do they not believe in themselves?

They do!

The disbelief comes because of the other contenders!

Because they are all so good and all vying for that same amazing spot.

I know because I had that feeling five days ago, when I got accepted into the Illumination publication.

Sure, my first reaction was extreme delight. But, it immediately was mixed with disbelief. Really? I got accepted?

The next minute I started making a list. I am a compulsive list maker. I loooove lists! (Watch out for the bullet points coming soon!)

I also knew what the next steps would be: to write my bio. I had been and still am devouring Illumination articles and following their writers. So, of course I knew the ‘what’, but the million dollar question was how?

Of course not how to write a bio. But how to write one on par with the amazing ones I had read. How to encompass all that I am so it is interesting yet authentic and relatable even days, weeks, months from now?

As I drafted a bio worthy of my peers and my self imposed standards, writing, rewriting, trying to get the phrases and words just right; I realized the process itself is synonymous with me.

  • Drafting, editing, perfecting on loop- that’s the achiever in me
  • Self imposing a ‘5 days max’ deadline to submit or asking for guidance on the Slack channel- that’s my software background. Call it time-boxing, Ship-to-market, ‘Fail Fast and Early’ principle- the rationale is the same. Done is Better than Perfect.
  • Starting my draft after reviewing submission guidelines- researcher in me.
  • Sifting through 1000+ recent photos and not finding a single decent photo of myself- motherhood speaks boldly there. I am maxing out my gallery with baby and kiddo photos. Seriously, this lockdown has made the grandparents even more insistent and aggressive in their demands for daily pictures of the grandkids.
Baby Picture by Author Niru
  • Spinning everything into a story- that’s the writer in me

As to my actual bio:

I am a techie from India, an Business Intelligence/ Data Analyst by profession and writer by passion. I have published a book, blog a lot and write like I talk. (Meaning I yak a lot)

I love reading, learning, getting to know people and travel. Which explains why I consider my family’s recent move from Windy Chicago to sunny North Carolina after almost a decade, to be a grand adventure.

I grew up in Mumbai though and so, retain that love for torrential rains, street food, movies and staying upbeat no matter what!

I am so glad to be part of this vibrant Illumination community and can’t wait to read and connect with everybody!

Picture of Me at a Rest Area courtesy the Five Year Old- my Phone, my kid, so all rights are Mine!
Personal Development
Writers On Writing
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