avatarPhilippa Richards, BBS, DMS



An “Aha!” Moment

Poem: Just being, not striving

Photo by Chris Whatley on Unsplash

When you have an “Aha!” moment the world stops, everything looks brighter and you realise you are in a safe place. You breathe… deeply… your heart slows… and you look around with fresh eyes… and think: “How easy was that!”

An “Aha!” is a moment of realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension that takes you by surprise.

We have all had them. That sudden bulb-glowing thought when we know, that we know. That moment when the question you were pondering or that inspiration you needed, drops from who knows where and lights up all the circuits in your brain.

That moment when you suddenly remember ‘that name’ or where you left the keys!

“Aha!” moments can be life-changing experiences. They can dramatically change our physical, psychological, or mental well-being. They can change the way we see the world, our life, the way we see our relationship, our health and even our wealth, or lack of it.

We all need these transformative moments to inspire us and move us along the life path. But sometimes it is only in hindsight that we truly see their value.

Sometimes they just come out of ‘the blue’.


And other times we have to throw a query, a question ‘out there’ hoping that the ‘“Aha!”god’ will give us that elusive “Aha!” moment.

In my experience the “Aha!” moments do not happen when I’m waiting for them, or if I’m trying to help them along by thinking about a possible answer. They only seemed to come when I’m doing something else.

Entirely unrelated.

Research says that just prior to an “Aha!” moment, alpha brain waves are present. The alpha brain wave is known as the brain’s idle mode, or wakeful rest. This is when the brain waves have slowed and we are open to hearing from our intuitive self.

Witnessing someone having an “Aha!” moment is truly inspiring. You could be in a conversation or even in the middle of an activity and suddenly the person stops mid-sentence, becomes completely oblivious to you. Their eyes glass over and they take centre stage.

“That’s it” they say, with the full expectation that you know what they are talking about.

They are so excited that the thread of the previous conversation is discarded while the “Aha!” is explained in detail.

You can’t help but be enthralled!

My poem ‘Just being, not striving’ was written after an “Aha!” moment. It came during a time when I was beating myself up about my ‘faith crisis’.

I felt like I was going through ‘a divorce’. Separated not only from God but also from my Christian friends, who, through lack of understanding, couldn’t support me.

  • What was I to believe now?
  • Was I still a Christian?
  • How was I going to make sense of my life now?

The “Aha!” moment came as I was walking through a bluebell wood. I stopped in my tracks as an amazing peace descended, all the fight dissipated and I knew I could be at peace.

Just being, not striving

This is new This is good Feeling happy Enjoying the balance of my life

No striving to obtain the goal Or shrinking from my history told My God is elusive, but that is not new She dances with me, for joy too.

But can I, should I Stay in this place, This moment, not the race, Just being, not striving, Where will it lead? Left behind I don’t want to be.

Boring boring that’s what I fear, Got to make the most of life Discontent keeps me searching, Testing all the rainbows. What will I do Without my motivation?

My life is a spiral up and down, I’m constantly twirling around, So while I’m still, I will not move. This moment is good A beach, not an ocean, There will be time for swimming again. For God is not bored, And neither is She boring.

So just as I have been encouraged and inspired by other people’s open and honest sharing I am sharing from my life so that you may be strengthened and emboldened to live the best version of yourself.

Personal Development
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