avatarWalter Rhein


The article vehemently argues that American mass shootings should be recognized and addressed as a form of domestic terrorism, with a call to action for stricter gun control and accountability from law enforcement, media, and politicians.


The author of the article expresses deep frustration and anger over the normalization of mass shootings in the United States, asserting that these incidents are acts of terrorism that are uniquely impacting American society. The piece criticizes the glorification of shooters by the media and the inaction of politicians, suggesting that the focus on international terrorism is misplaced when the more immediate threat comes from within. It calls for a reevaluation of gun rights, emphasizing that the current state of affairs allows domestic terrorists to operate with impunity, threatening the safety of children and communities. The author also condemns the profit-driven motives behind the manufacturing and sale of firearms, particularly those of military grade, and challenges the police and media to take a stronger stance on gun control to prevent further tragedies.


  • The term "mass shooter" should be replaced with "terrorist" to accurately reflect the nature of these crimes.
  • The United States' prioritization of military and police spending is questioned, given the frequency of domestic mass shootings.
  • The media is accused of exploiting traged

American Terrorist Mass Shootings Have to End

This is the only form of terrorism that is likely to impact my life and yours

Image by Walter Rhein

The word “mass shooter” has become so normalized that it no longer means anything. We need to start calling them terrorists. They’re TERRORISTS! We allow terrorists to do whatever they want in the United States.

They have all the rights and power. We don’t.

Forget about the border. Forget about foreign conflict. Forget about everything. The people you should be worried about are the homegrown terrorists who are allowed to hunt your children with impunity.

It happens because we allow it to happen.

All that money we spend on the military is completely wasted.

All the money we spend on the police is completely wasted.

Every morning we have to wake up to another news report about completely innocent people getting brutally cut to pieces in a hail of bullets. Then the media makes a celebrity of the shooter and politicians sternly lecture us that “Now is not the time to discuss this.”

We hold terrorist child murderers up for worship.

Mass shootings are terrorism. This is American terrorism. I’m sick of living in a society where terrorists have more rights than my kids.

What else can you call it when we send our children to school and have to worry that we might get a phone call from the police telling us that the bodies of our loved ones have been so mutilated that they could only be identified through DNA testing?


The school nurse called my wife the other day. My wife saw the caller ID and she almost had a heart attack. The nurse was just calling about a permission form. This is unacceptable.

We had a lockdown in our community last week. I had to go to the school and get my kids and send my wife messages assuring her that I had them.

This is insanity. This isn’t civilization.

What’s it going to take in order for somebody to do something about this?

It’s appallingly clear that nobody cares about human life in our society because no matter how many innocent people are murdered, nobody ever does anything. I’m sick and tired of the lethargic attitude of the media, and frankly the general public.

At this point, I’m as disgusted with my neighbors as I am with the mass shooters.

We do have options available that are completely within the parameters of the law. There are a LOT of people who share the guilt for allowing domestic terrorists to roam free, and we can turn up the heat on ALL of them.

The reality is that the news LOVES it when innocent people are ripped to pieces and families are torn apart. They love it because senseless death and TERROR means ratings.

They love driving around in neighborhoods that are reeling from tragedy. They love shoving microphones into people’s faces and asking them how they’re dealing with the loss of their children.

All of this is terrorism porn.

I’ve seen this up close. I’ve had to dodge into alleys after horrible community tragedies to avoid the vulture media there to feast on the carcasses.

I’m getting so I can’t even stand to look at the faces of “sincere” newscasters as they look sternly into the camera and try to pretend they feel sad about what just happened. I don’t believe that they feel sad. I think they love it when regular human beings are murdered because they don’t report on these stories in a way that actually helps to stop them.

I’m writing this in the wake of the Maine shooting. What I can’t figure out is why the police didn’t get there. As I write this, the shooter is still at large.

I’m tired of writing articles about people getting murdered by terrorists in the United States. I’m tired of reading articles about innocent Black men getting murdered during routine traffic stops while entitled white men are allowed to shoot children at schools.

Let’s have some news stories about the people getting rich manufacturing these weapons of domestic terrorism. Drive your cute little news truck to the cute little mansion and shove your microphone into the face of whatever man or woman is sitting on a huge pile of blood money.

“Does it bother you that the guns you manufacture are used to murder innocent children?”

Then go to the factory and interview the workers. Then go to the gun stores and interview the jerks that sell these things. Show them pictures of the dead kids and ask them if they feel responsible.

When an American terrorist shows up at a school and assassinates a couple dozen innocent children, the lives of everyone in that community are ruined forever. Why do we give a free pass to the enormous line of jerks that made it possible?

Politicians like to go on television and bleat about how they’re “tough on terrorism.” Well, make them squirm with a follow up question about why they’re not doing anything about the daily domestic terrorism of mass murder.

“We don’t designate that as terrorism.”

“Why? Why not? What would it take to define it as terrorism? Is it because you’re paid off by gun lobbyists? Is that it?”

Don’t let them answer! Every time a politician is on television s/he is allowed to talk and talk and talk nonsense until the person sitting at home throws a brick at the screen. This isn’t that hard. Don’t let them get away with telling us these lies about why they’re so eager to allow domestic terrorists to keep murdering the people we love.

We don’t have to put up with this. Above all, we can’t continue to allow them to lull us into this apathetic and frustrating mindset where we pretend nothing can be done.

What’s going to happen when all our kids are dead because of domestic terrorist mass shooters? If the police can’t respond in time to stop something like this, then they should refund every dollar they’ve ever been paid.

What’s the point?

Were they late because they didn’t want to confront a lunatic with a military grade weapon? Fine, I don’t blame them. But I want them to have to get on television and join the rest of us in DEMANDING REASONABLE GUN CONTROL!

I’m perfectly willing to do whatever it takes to help protect the lives of police officers, but THEY have to stand up and demand gun control too. It’s in their best interests!

Why don’t police denounce private ownership of military grade weapons? It’s unacceptable that they vote for politicians that ensure domestic terrorists are well-armed, and then the police huddle in the hallways as children are systemically murdered. If you refuse to stand up for gun control then you have to charge into the hail of bullets. Why do innocent children have to pay the penalty for YOUR absurd reasoning?

“Well, we didn’t want to confront that guy because he had a super powerful rifle.”

“Do you think there should be restrictions on private citizens owning those kind of rifles?”


Go out and ask a police officer if he supports gun control. If anyone should be vocal about gun control, it’s the POLICE! This is common sense.

“I don’t want the criminals I face to be armed with military grade weapons.”

I applaud you sir! But if you are too stupid to stand up for your own self-interest then I have ZERO sympathy. No, you’re not allowed to be late to the gunfight because you’re afraid of the weapons the criminals have. Your time to protest is NOW! Anything else is unacceptable!

Don’t give my wife, who is a teacher, a gun. Instead, take the terrorists’ guns AWAY!


I’m sick and tired of this nationwide game of Russian roulette. We don’t have to live like this. Terrorists shouldn’t get to have all the rights and privileges while innocent, hard-working people are constantly forced to rebuild from the ashes of a broken life.

If we could start getting police officers to demand gun control then maybe we’d get somewhere, but they’re too cowardly to do it. It would make YOUR job safer! It would protect YOUR children too! It’s unacceptable to do nothing, act tough, and then huddle in fear while a domestic terrorist goes on a rampage.

We the people have a choice here. Go and protest at the terrorist weapon manufacturer. Go and protest at the home of the guy who’s getting rich by ensuring that domestic terrorists are never opposed. Go and protest politicians who get paid by people who work to get our children assassinated. Go and protest media stations that refuse to call these terrorists for what they are, and who pretend they don’t delight in covering yet another story of senseless American death.

What we have is a massive terrorism enablement funnel. There are a lot of people just as guilty as the guy who ultimately pulls the trigger. It’s time to hold everyone accountable.

We have a right to protest.

We have a right to speak.

We have a right to demand changes in the way these stories are presented.

We don’t have to sleep through this and act like nothing can be done. American terrorist mass shootings have to end now.


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