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Am I The Only One Who Thinks The Screwball Challenges Are Just Plain Idiotic?

If I didn’t care about my gear, I wouldn’t do them at all!

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As far back as I can remember, 100%’ing a game was everything to me because I felt my gaming playthrough would’ve been incomplete and I didn’t settle for anything less. As time went on, I started to realize that video games aren’t about always getting the 100%, it’s about having fun and doing the best you can not to mention cutting the unworthy as it were.

However, one of the hardest things to admit to oneself is when something is a complete waste of time. I replayed through Marvel’s Spiderman recently and got to a point where I beat the base game but I still was missing some suits along with some gadgets.

Marvel’s Spiderman isn’t a bad game nor is the playthrough bad, it is a good game and really gives you a chance to practice everything you learn. The challenges in the game are primed toward using your skills to complete the challenge.

Now, I assume that most or all of you have played through the game and have come across Screwball. You know, the psychotic piece of shit that openly jeopardizes the lives of the people of New York City just so she can get likes and a blown-up feed.

Okay, so I made it to the DLCs of the game and it was about the Turf Wars DLC where I finally decided to leave the Screwball challenges alone. I mean, I get that she’s trying to make a point but doing her challenges is a complete waste of time.

When I started avoiding them, I stopped and thought about the possibility of any gadgets or suits I still needed tokens for and thankfully, there wasn’t in the least bit. I mean, if I’m being honest, the challenge factor of the Screwball challenges can range anywhere from lackluster to just flat-out boring.

It is also for this reason that I always make a play for the Taskmaster challenges over the Screwball challenges because you actually fight Taskmaster and whether he beats you or you him, it’s a learning experience. And being a gamer of an expert-level caliber, I can respect that!

Let’s face it, the Taskmaster challenges are just better by far and the risk of doing these challenges is reduced, somewhat but they’re still fun to do overall.

I beat Taskmaster and despite the fact that Spiderman was offered a job he turned down, it was great knowing that it was officially the end of an era. Taskmaster bowed out never to return, Screwball, on the other hand, just keeps driving the nail in the coffin.

Screwball’s challenges are idiotic at best, overly complicated at worst as well as unrewarding. Sure, you get challenge tokens upon completing the challenge but you can’t ever get back the time she takes when she’s wasting yours which sucks!

Screwball just comes off to me as an unhinged, sadistic, empty, self-obsessed little child with issues who comes off as a bitter, angry, sad, high school girl who just saw her best friend and boyfriend making out in which she sits in the dark torturing one of her old plastic dolls pretending it's the people that betrayed her.

Combine that with access to every social media channel and you have her, Screwball, the crazy, maniacal, pointlessly destructive individual who has nothing better to do than to try to coax you into doing her stupid challenges so she can satisfy her ego.

Incidentally, even though ignoring Screwball’s challenges has no real bearing on her self-importance, you can still strike a blow by not doing the challenges. I mean, by the midpoint of the Turf Wars DLC, I had everything, every suit, every gadget, etc.

I did the initial Screwball to get the ball rolling because it was, stupidly, part of a main story mission. After that, I just walked away, I stopped doing or even going near any Screwball challenges. I left them alone.

I got to a point where I didn’t really need to bother with them especially since they were a waste of my valuable time and if I’m being honest, it’s no love lost. So do like me, don’t feel compelled to do the Screwball challenges if you just feel like it’s not worth it, it’s not personally. But, it’s up to you.

From that point on, I swore that I’d never do the Screwball challenges ever again. There’s no point to them and they’re just plain idiotic. At least Taskmaster gives you a run for your money and you know what that’s called, replayability! Plain and simple!

Think about it!

Like my Post? Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. Thank you and Happy writing.

Screwball Challenges
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