avatarAshllyn T. 💐


Am I crazy?

Forsaken love

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You call me mad, your phone betrays, A secret I’d known for days.

Indifference, a cold embrace, You’re here, yet so far from my face. Mirrors reflect your stolen soul, Whispers of her, your new role. Our bed, once a warm embrace, Rejects me, a bitter disgrace. “I saw you with her,” it screams, A nightmare that haunts my dreams.

Who tears you from my side? Whose touch makes you deny our ties?

You hide the truth, so clear to see, A web of lies to set me free. Yet, in your bitter gall, I taste Sweet poison, a love gone to waste. In your eyes, I’m unhinged, undone, A madwoman, while you, coward, run. Why can’t you leave, set me adrift? Why this charade, this painful rift?

My hands shake as I clutch my phone, His number, a temptation I’ve outgrown. Should I dial, hear his voice once more? Drown in the sound I’ve long yearned for? No, I resist, my sanity prevails, This love turned poison, my heart bewails. Memories of our love, once so pure, Now tarnished, tainted, beyond repair.

I stalk her social media pages, Envious of her beauty, her carefree days. She flaunts him like a prize, a trophy won, Destroying the love we had begun. Haunted by their imagined bliss, I dream of their laughter, their passionate kiss. In my mind, I see them intertwined, Their bodies entwined, a cruel bind.

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Fury consumes me, a raging fire, I want to scream, to tear, to destroy their desire. But I am bound by chains of reason, Trapped in a web of my own creation. I fantasize revenge, a perfect plan, To take her down, and make her understand. But deep down, I know it’s just a fantasy, A desperate attempt to reclaim my ecstasy.

Acceptance dawns, a bitter pill, I must let go, release my will. For he is gone, and I am alone, With shattered dreams, and a heart of stone. Time heals all wounds, they say, But the scars remain, a permanent display. Of a love that once was, now lost and gone, A painful memory, forever lingering on.

I rise from the ashes, a phoenix reborn, No longer the woman forever forlorn. I’ll mend the cracks in my shattered soul, Embrace the strength I was meant to hold. No more dwelling on shadows and lies, I’ll chase the sunrise, with truth in my eyes. New paths beckon, adventures untold, A story rewritten, in future bold.

She won’t define me, her victory’s thin, For true happiness lies within. I’ll nurture my spirit, cultivate grace, Find solace in kindness, in this sacred space. His absence, a void I no longer fear, My heart, a garden, where blossoms appear. Self-love, the fragrance that fills the air, Banishing darkness, with love beyond compare.

One day, I may smile, forgive and forget, But for now, I’ll rise above, no room for regret. With lessons learned and spirit renewed, I’ll write my own ending, beautifully construed.

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Should I thank her for setting me free, To rediscover the me I used to be? Was this heartbreak a blessing in disguise, A painful awakening to open my eyes? Who am I now, unburdened by pain? A survivor, a warrior, with strength to regain. The future beckons, a blank page to write, My destiny calling, in the fading light.

So, who is the victor in this twisted game? Neither of us, for love, lost is all the same. We played our roles, in this tragic charade, But the phoenix rises, from ashes made. My heart soars high, above the pain and strife, Embracing new beginnings, with a second life. For I am the author of my own story, And the ending is written, with hope and glory.

With this poem, I wanted to tell the story of how someone feels after a betrayal and a painful separation. I described how the main character feels: jealous, angry, but finally accepting the situation and realizing that he can be happy again.

I used different poetic techniques to make the story more vivid and moving. I invented comparisons, brought objects to life, and changed the length of lines and rhyme.

My poetry is sad, but also about healing. It’s about being strong again after a loss. I’m hoping that those who read it will identify with the story and find inspiration in the message of hope.

I think this poem can help and inspire people going through similar experiences.

The Lark
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