avatarJudy Haratz Cohen


The author reflects on the pursuit of fame and success on Medium, sharing personal insights and advice received from others, while acknowledging their own lack of fame despite being surrounded by talented individuals.


The article "Almost Famous On Medium" delves into the author's journey on the platform since February, questioning whether they have achieved the elusive status of fame and wealth through their writing. The author muses on the concept of "almost famous," citing examples of talented individuals in sports, Broadway, and writing who have not reached professional or financial success commensurate with their abilities. Advice on Medium success, such as writing daily, using engaging images and titles, and finding a niche, is considered, but the author admits to struggling with patience. Despite following the advice, the author has not yet reached a significant following or financial rewards. The article concludes with the author seeking the secret to success and inviting readers to engage with their work on "Be Open."


  • The author is introspective about their own success and the success of those around them, recognizing a pattern of unrealized potential in various fields.
  • Success on Medium is associated with consistent writing, eye-catching content, and targeting a specific audience, but the author suggests that patience may be the most crucial factor.
  • The author expresses a desire to achieve fame and wealth through their writing but also humorously acknowledges their impatience and the challenges of waiting for success.
  • There is a sense of self-deprecation as the author compares their journey to the quest for the fountain of youth, implying the difficulty of finding a definitive path to success on Medium.
  • The author values engagement from readers, asking for claps and interaction, which suggests a belief in the power of community and support in achieving success.

Almost Famous On Medium


I have read countless articles on Medium, about how to get followers, how to earn lots of money, and become successfully famous. I want to be one of THOSE people. I joined in February, and here it is the last week in April. Have I reached famous status, wealth and fame? You will need to continue to read to find out.

Almost famous is a very non-tangible term. I personally know a long list of talented and clever people who are almost famous. According to my friends, most of their children, and grand children, fit the description. We know many almost famous athletes. They were famous in High School. The list includes stars in, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and tennis. To my knowledge none have signed pro contracts, yet. Is that the measure of sports fame? YES.

I personally know some almost, super talented Broadway could be Stars.. One became a doctor, another a singer, became a speech therapist. The list goes on and on. I also have a family of talented writers. Wealthy no, talented yes. My cousin has a book deal, another is an editor, my dear friend has written several books, my daughter wrote a delightful bride blog.

I am surrounded by almost greatness. How do you cash in on all this talent? That friends, remains the big question. This is some of the good advice I have received on Medium. I should write everyday, check mark. I should use flashy pictures and attention getting titles, I try. I should find my niche, to attract an audience. Who is my audience? Are they attracted? The most important and most repeated piece of advice, be PATIENT!

I am a good patient, but as far as being a patient person, not so much. Was I more patient, younger? As Dr. Phil says “that is another 15 minutes I will never get back”. I am a senior, how many patient minutes are left for me?

Now the time has come for me to answer my own question. Have I reached my goal of a tremendous following? Have I earned riches and rewards for my writing? Am I famous, yet? The answer is simple, NO! If you are Ponce De Leon, and have found the fountain of success ( not youth this time), please share it with me and clap. Judy find Me On “Be Open”

Be Open
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