avatarWille Frost


Alive in Memories

Will we ever make peace with the fact of our loved one's absence?

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Years pass. Life perishes. Society changes. Yet till the heart remembers, when life crosses paths with those streets, They take on their old shape. Like my memories breathe life into the past. A small store with an old uncle, a friend opposite home, the sweet stall down the lane. stray dogs cause chaos and use — watching all of it, from the top floor while casually talking about nothing really important.

that “Nothing really important” is now valued most, weighted heavier, and brought tears that hurt deeper. I wonder if the balcony held onto your essence. Yet I dare not lift my head up and check. Will the heart ever learn to oversee the void — that took over the warmth you filled us with.

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