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After 12 Years of Smoking, I Finally Quit: Here’s What Happened

What You Should Know about Smokers

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Many people often look at the cigarette as fun, just the way it looks, not knowing that it is one of the most addictive habits in the world. I will disclose how people get addicted to smoking later on. Before we get to that part, let me tell you about my experience with smoking.

My journey to quitting cigarette

As a young man who got into smoking very early in life, I never knew smoking could kill. I often hear it when they say, “Smokers are liable to die young.” I thought it was just a mere talk, but whenever my friends tried to advise me to quit smoking, I always shut them up until I started having severe chest pain.

I went to see a doctor, I ran a test, and the result was so bad that the doctor had to warn me not to smoke again, not even one stick of cigarette, wait a minute, not even one cigarette? he has got to be kidding me, how can I live without smoking? I have been smoking for 12 years, and it is now a part of me because I am addicted, but then I thought of my health and said okay, let me see if I could.

I started treatment. The first day passed, but the second day was like a war with myself, oh boy! I wasn’t able to pass the second day without a cigarette. My whole system was yearning for at least a stick of cigarette. I gave in to my yearning and had a stick of cigarettes.

I was smoking again while taking medications, and the pain got worse to the extent I almost lost my life, so I was rushed to the hospital and admitted.

I spent over a week in the hospital. It was getting clear to me that if I didn’t stop smoking, it could take my life, so I began to think of a way out of this problem of my addiction to cigarettes.

As you are reading this article, I would like to tell you not to get addicted to anything that could cause you harm, in short, do not be addicted to anything because this time, I got to know the meaning of someone getting addicted to any substance because it will make them lose control over their actions.

They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or other substances. No matter what it will cost, even at the risk of damaging their entire system, which could cost their lives.

I started fighting to stop it. It wasn’t easy for me all day and night. I had to fight myself not to smoke. The only thing that worked for me was eating biscuits whenever I had the urge to smoke.

According to the World Health Organization. (WHO), “The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing over 8 million people a year around the world.

After escaping death, I think it will be wise always to do things moderately so that it won’t get to the stage where you will find it difficult to stop.

Smokers often don’t know the harm caused by smoking, just because of the feeling they get while smoking. I never believed it could kill until I started having problems with my health. I then realized how dangerous cigarettes could be.

According to the CDC. “ For every person who dies because of smoking cigarettes, at least 30 people live with a serious smoking-related illness.

It means you don’t fully recover because I still have severe chest pain, and sometimes, it doesn’t go away until I visit a doctor.

These are some of the illnesses caused by smoking.

. Heart Disease

. Respiratory Infections

. Lung Cancer

. Stroke

. Throat and Mouth Cancers

I am lucky enough not to have gotten to this stage. Sometimes, we do things we shouldn’t be doing. Here is a video that explains how dangerous smoking can be.

The nicotine in tobacco is highly addictive. It triggers the dopamine in your brain. Dopamine is known as the “feel-good” hormone that:

  • Induces feelings of happiness
  • helps you to concentrate
  • Provide an energy boost

But this effect doesn’t last long.

As the nicotine levels in your body fade, you start to crave more dopamine. The longer you smoke, the more dopamine you need to feel good. You become dependent on nicotine.

Once you are dependent on nicotine, you have become addicted to it, which is very dangerous to your health.

Do not suffer the pain of regret or disappointment when your health fails you. The clock is ticking, and with every cigarette you burn, you burn out a part of your lifeline, except you decided to live a short life. Make hay while the sun still shines.

Smoking Cessation
New Years Resolutions
How To Quit Smoking
Life Lessons
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