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Affirmative Prayer And You

and it is always ready to make your life better

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

Affirmative Prayer is a process by which we remind ourselves of what we know to be true and further convince ourselves to cultivate even greater faith in that knowing. This form of prayer focuses only on the desired result and not the conditions surrounding it. From the Columbia Center for Spiritual Living

What is Affirmative Prayer? Affirmative prayer is a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation.

We hear from Dr. Ernest Holmes, the founder of The Science of Mind, that Affirmative Prayer is when we pray, we pray believing it is true. What a beautiful, simple concept!

Affirmative Prayer is based on the principle of oneness. There is no separation between you and Spirit, God, Allah. Call your Higher Power whatever or anything else in this universe that you wish.

This is not the typical form of prayer in which people are found asking, making demands, pleading, or begging to a distant, far-off “God” who seemingly may or may not answer!

The universe always answers and the answer is always “Yes!” Since every thought is a prayer, if you have negative thoughts, you are praying negatively.

By praying affirmatively, you are able to change the state of your thoughts so that you recognize the attributes of God. You unify ourselves with those attributes, and you realize that your desired outcome is near.

You then give thanks and let God take over. This is combining the old AA adages of K.I.S.S. (Keep it Spiritually Simple) and Let Go and Let God!

Simply ask, breathe, and let God do His work. When this is done, give thanks. When I do this, I AM Happy, Joyous, and Free. You can be, too!

How? Simply K.I.S.S., ask, and Let Go and Let God! Now, this is great news!

Thank you, God!

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