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At this age in my life, I have to write dreams do come true! There is power in our thoughts, words, and action. We must dream the reality of our lives into being.

Daughter, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother called LaLa, Friend, and Neighbor. My dream has been to be a teacher since a child. The struggle with my responsibilities at a young age paused my dream.

First, I married at a young age, almost 52 years ago.

Second, I traveled in and out of mental institutions caring for my dad for thirty years.

Third, the transition of loved ones took time to process.

Fourth, raising four children.

Without warning, I was ready to lift my pause. The voice of the universe beckoned me forward; it’s the time to manifest your dream now. Dad had transitioned as one of those I loved dearly, and three of my four children moved out. I had not prepared for this. However, the universe knew what I needed to move forward on my path this lifetime.

Today, I have three excellent tools to draw on:

  1. Prayer
  2. Journaling
  3. Meditation

In reflection on writing my story, the following unfolded by stepping one step in front of the other.

  • On October 10, 2003, I read the book. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hays. I asked, and I received my passion. Twenty years ago this October and I changed my life.
  • 2004 — I became a Reiki Master (teacher Monika Keano)
  • 2005 — Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • 2005 — Opened Believable Alternatives Healing Center (seeing clients on a one-to-one basis with Reiki Sessions)
  • From then on, I would take a subject to study for one year.
  • 2006 — A Course in Miracles
  • 2007 — Science of Mind
  • 2008 — Master of Metaphysical Science, M.Msc.
  • 2009- Kabbalah
  • 2010 — The Teachings of Abraham with Esther & Jerry Hicks
  • 2010 — Began Blogging
  • 2010 — Self-Published Making Believers: Connect to the Light Within with Infinity Publishing
  • 2011 — Re-Self-Published Making Believers; Connect to the Light Within with Balboa Press: A Division of Hay House
  • 2012–2017 21st Energy Medicine Program with Deborah King; Master Grad Energy Healer, Shamanism
  • 2012 — to Present Introduced the healing modality Chelation to my clients in our one-on-one sessions
  • 2017 — David Wolfe’s Nutrition Program
  • 2018 — Quantum Healing with Julee Love
  • 2019 — Tony Robbins
  • 2019- Launched BelievableAlternatives.com (took it down in 2022)
  • 2020- Stephanie Lodge The Hug Angels
  • 2021 — Adding to my Library / Kryon Masters, David Wilcock, Dolores Cannon, Diana Cooper, Joe Vitale, Maureen St. Germaine, UCM (Angelic Keys), and so on…
  • 2022 — Medium
  • 2023 — Alberto Villoldo The Deathless Elixir of Immortality Teachings and The Four Winds Shaman 21 Teachings
  • 2023 — My Souls of Light Membership that meets monthly
  • 2023 – 4/28 Publication Date for my latest book, The Key to the Unseen World

I have learned tremendous patience regarding Miss Sara Rose, as I call her. We picked her up, our Sheepadoodle puppy, from Virginia on July 30, 2023. After a seven-hour car ride, she was 12 lbs; today, she is 66 lbs. She is not my first puppy but a bright light in my day when she listens to me. My husband and I have agreed we need a trainer. lol

My life is fantastic because I seek, and Spirit leads me. Since childhood, I have loved the written word in all its forms. My husband built me a library in my home for all the books that fill my soul. I have boxes of books beside my library. I have no control when it comes to the written word!

Growing up before cell phones and the internet, I am thrilled to talk to my younger daughter as she travels the world on Facetime. She is in India. She left in October 2022 for her international travels. Croatia, Malta, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore were a few of her visits. What an exhilarating, adventurous ride she is living.

In June, I will be seventy-two years old, and as a grandmother to eight almost nine babies that have chosen me, I AM Blessed to know who I AM. My motto is to have fun and enjoy this crazy ride called life! I enjoy reading, writing, counseling, coloring, and listening to my grandchildren.

My favorite tools are Prayer, Meditating, and Journaling.

I do not take the marvel of life for granted in any way.

Love, Light, and Power, Linda

Check me out!

Website: msha.ke/lindaamato

About Me
Life Lessons
Unconditional Love
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