Abandoning Religion
Ejecting From the Doctrinal Labyrinth
The Liberty of Authentic Love —

Many may wonder how a dedicated Christian could abandon the religious community. One path out of the doctrinal labyrinth is being humbly and unabashedly curious about the many unresolved questions and dichotomies in the multitudinous dogmas. You could call this “reasoning with God.” Valiantly asking questions has been taboo in institutional church communities, often referred to as the slippery slide. And yet questions are the keys that open the door to higher wisdom that infinitely surpasses any church dogma.
Being innocently and courageously curious is vital to successfully escaping the tethers of indoctrination.
Besides curiosity, I consider recognizing that Jesus (and many other spiritual masters) did not promote religion but inner revelation is another important factor to help eject from that rational labyrinth. Because religion is grounded in rationalism, rationalizing is not the escape, but bondage in yet another rational mindset fortified by justifying confirmation bias. Finding true release is something that can only happen intuitively, rather than rationally deciphering scripture, or subscribing to another of the multifarious interpretations or some philosophy.
There is yet another way out of the labyrinth of rational doctrinal mindsets and that is the admonition to “above all put on love.”
This is a kicker which I offer as an explosive ingredient, something like rocket fuel in the process of becoming liberated. Revelation of pure love literally ejects one upward and free from the entrapment of that doctrinal labyrinth.
I’m not referring to the so-called love that many Christians earnestly oblige to their cohorts and to potential converts, but the deep element of love that proceeds from our innermost being, from the divine soul that we are that is rooted in Spirit. When we allow our ego to be immersed in that love, it shifts us into a higher dimensional frequency — a higher collective consciousness wherein our perception is forever transformed.

When the lens of our consciousness is cleared by this unconditional love, we see institutional religion for what it is.
So what is it? Institutional religion is part of the drama of ego that reflects world consciousness. Authentic unconditional love is literally the alchemy that transitions our ego from a reflection of this world to being imbued with higher soul consciousness. This, as I see it, is what is meant by “above all putting on Christ,” Christ being a metaphor for the consciousness of God or what we might call Source.
I hope you enjoy my Midjourney Art & Mindfulness. I would love to hear your comments or questions!