avatarWarren Brown


A time for Introspection

A World of Feelings

A world ruled by emotions

Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

When we feel hungry, we eat. When we feel cold, we get warm. When we feel thirsty, we drink, When our eyes hurt, we blink.

When there is not enough fuel, We find places to dig and get it. When we need wood, We cut down trees for it.

Our world is ruled by feelings, Whether we accept it or not. It is because of our feelings, Our happiness is sold and bought.

Humanity wants to travel far, They take a rocket to the stars. Every person with an Axe to grind, Forgets to feel and to be kind.

Our world is ruled by emotions, Love, peace, kindness and hatred. Nature is alive and a dynamic force, Raw energy that follows its own course.

We are beings powered by emotion, We fail, we love, we lose and we win. We give in to life and temptation, We aspire to greatness we hope to attain.

This is a time for introspection, For a world of feeling we have inside. This reality is ruled by invisible emotion, Look inside to quieten the commotion.

Photo by Mohammad Alizade on Unsplash
Thoughts And Feelings
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