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A world bereft of love


Photo by Tobias Reich on Unsplash

Love I like to describe as the Currency of any successful relationship.

Love is the golden sword awarded to a friendship that has transparency and reliability as its cord.

Why then is love scarce in our ever-developing world?

I grew up at a time when everyone felt free with each other.

Everyone depended on each other.

If your neighbour was hungry, it was upon you to ensure he got food.

If a stranger was cold on the street and homeless, it was your responsibility to give him a place to bath, eat, sleep and give him a change of clothes.

A community filled with love, joy and peace.

Everyone took the next person as family.

No matter the religion, we shared the same space and the same plate.

Has development taken our conscience and left us stone cold?

The world is experiencing its worst tide when it comes to love.

A very wise advice to give at this point in time is "Trust no one".

My trust issues deepened after I watched a young man who innocently drank water offered to him not knowing the water was spiked and it led to his death.

Or the story of an 11-year-old girl who put poison in her classmate's water bottle just because the girl had come top in class.

The world is bereft of love, care, understanding, and reliability that once kept us as a community.

Jealousy, hatred, slander, envy, the urge for a fast life and the desire for wealth have created a huge divide between us.

What can we do to make this change?

It starts with you, It starts with me It starts with the man or woman in the mirror.

The world can only change when we change our perspective.

When we take a moment to clean our lenses to ensure we see the beauty in every human.

A beautiful world is indeed possible.

Do you believe this?

Self Improvement
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