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This context provides an overview of learning rate schedulers in PyTorch, explaining their importance in deep learning and presenting various types of schedulers such as StepLR, MultiStepLR, ConstantLR, LinearLR, ExponentialLR, PolynomialLR, CosineAnnealingLR, CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts, CyclicLR, OneCycleLR, ReduceLROnPlateauLR, and custom schedulers with lambda functions.


The context discusses the role of learning rate schedulers in deep learning, focusing on their use in PyTorch. It explains that the learning rate is an essential hyperparameter that determines how much the model weights change between training steps. The learning rate schedulers adjust the learning rate according to a pre-defined schedule during the training process, helping the algorithm converge quickly to an optimum. The context then presents various built-in learning rate schedulers in PyTorch, such as StepLR, MultiStepLR, ConstantLR, LinearLR, ExponentialLR, PolynomialLR, CosineAnnealingLR, CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts, CyclicLR, OneCycleLR, and ReduceLROnPlateauLR. It also explains how to create custom schedulers with lambda functions. The context concludes by stating that using any learning scheduler will most likely lead to better model performance, but finding the best scheduler for a specific problem may require running a few experiments.

Bullet points

  • The learning rate is an essential hyperparameter in deep learning that determines how much the model weights change between training steps.
  • Learning rate schedulers adjust the learning rate according to a pre-defined schedule during the training process, helping the algorithm converge quickly to an optimum.
  • PyTorch provides various built-in learning rate schedulers, such as StepLR, MultiStepLR, ConstantLR, LinearLR, ExponentialLR, PolynomialLR, CosineAnnealingLR, CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts, CyclicLR, OneCycleLR, and ReduceLROnPlateauLR.
  • Custom schedulers can be created with lambda functions.
  • Using any learning scheduler will most likely lead to better model performance, but finding the best scheduler for a specific problem may require running a few experiments.

A Visual Guide to Learning Rate Schedulers in PyTorch

LR decay and annealing strategies for Deep Learning in Python

Image by the author

What is the Learning Rate in Deep Learning?

Neural networks have many hyperparameters that affect the model’s performance. One of the essential hyperparameters is the learning rate (LR), which determines how much the model weights change between training steps. In the simplest case, the LR value is a fixed value between 0 and 1.

However, choosing the correct LR value can be challenging. On the one hand, a large learning rate can help the algorithm to converge quickly. But it can also cause the algorithm to bounce around the minimum without reaching it or even jumping over it if it is too large. On the other hand, a small learning rate can converge better to the minimum. However, the optimizer may take too long to converge or get stuck in a plateau if it is too small.

What is a Learning Rate Scheduler?

One solution to help the algorithm converge quickly to an optimum is to use a learning rate scheduler. A learning rate scheduler adjusts the learning rate according to a pre-defined schedule during the training process.

One solution to help the algorithm converge quickly to an optimum is to use a learning rate scheduler.

Usually, the learning rate is set to a higher value at the beginning of the training to allow faster convergence. As the training progresses, the learning rate is reduced to enable convergence to the optimum and thus leading to better performance. Reducing the learning rate over the training process is also known as annealing or decay.

The amount of different learning rate schedulers can be overwhelming. Thus, this article aims to give you an overview of how different pre-defined learning rate schedulers in PyTorch adjust the learning rate during training:

Learning Rate Schedulers

For this article, we use the PyTorch version 1.13.0. You can read more in the PyTorch documentation for more details on the learning rate schedulers.

import torch

You can find the Python code used to visualize the PyTorch learning rate schedulers in the appendix at the end of this article.


The StepLR reduces the learning rate by a multiplicative factor after every predefined number of training steps.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR

scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, 
                   step_size = 4, # Period of learning rate decay
                   gamma = 0.5) # Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler StepLR (Image by the author)


The MultiStepLR — similarly to the StepLR — also reduces the learning rate by a multiplicative factor but after each pre-defined milestone.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import MultiStepLR

scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, 
                        milestones=[8, 24, 28], # List of epoch indices
                        gamma =0.5) # Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler MultiStepLR (Image by the author)


The ConstantLR reduces learning rate by a multiplicative factor until the number of training steps reaches a pre-defined milestone.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ConstantLR

scheduler = ConstantLR(optimizer, 
                       factor = 0.5, # The number we multiply learning rate until the milestone.
                       total_iters = 8) # The number of steps that the scheduler decays the learning rate
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler ConstantLR (Image by the author)

As you might have already noticed, if your starting factor is smaller than 1, this learning rate scheduler increases the learning rate over the course of the training process instead of decreasing it.


The LinearLR — similarly to the ConstantLR— also reduces the learning rate by a multiplicative factor at the beginning of the training. But it linearly increases the learning rate over a defined number of training steps until it reaches its originally set learning rate.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LinearLR

scheduler = LinearLR(optimizer, 
                     start_factor = 0.5, # The number we multiply learning rate in the first epoch
                     total_iters = 8) # The number of iterations that multiplicative factor reaches to 1
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler LinearLR (Image by the author)

If your starting factor is smaller than 1, this learning rate scheduler also increases the learning rate over the course of the training process instead of decreasing it.


The ExponentialLR reduces learning rate by a multiplicative factor at every training step.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ExponentialLR

scheduler = ExponentialLR(optimizer, 
                          gamma = 0.5) # Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler ExponentialLR (Image by the author)


The PolynomialLR reduces learning rate by using a polynomial function for a defined number of steps.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import PolynomialLR

scheduler = PolynomialLR(optimizer, 
                         total_iters = 8, # The number of steps that the scheduler decays the learning rate.
                         power = 1) # The power of the polynomial.

Below you can see the resulting learning rate decay for power = 1.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler PolynomialLR with Power = 1 (Image by the author)

With power = 2 the resulting learning rate decay will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler PolynomialLR with Power = 2 (Image by the author)


The CosineAnnealingLR reduces learning rate by a cosine function.

While you could technically schedule the learning rate adjustments to follow multiple periods, the idea is to decay the learning rate over half a period for the maximum number of iterations.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR

scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer,
                              T_max = 32, # Maximum number of iterations.
                             eta_min = 1e-4) # Minimum learning rate.
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler CosineAnnealingLR (Image by the author)

Philipp Singer and Yauhen Babakhin, two Kaggle Competition Grandmasters, recommend using cosine decay as a learning rate scheduler for deep transfer learning [2].


The CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts is similar to the cosine annealing schedule. However, it allows you to restart the LR schedule with the initial LR at, e.g., each epoch.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts
scheduler = CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer, 
                                        T_0 = 8,# Number of iterations for the first restart
                                        T_mult = 1, # A factor increases TiTi​ after a restart
                                        eta_min = 1e-4) # Minimum learning rate
PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts (Image by the author)

This is called a warm restart and was introduced in 2017 [1]. Increasing the LR causes the model to diverge. However, this intentional divergence enables the model to escape local minima and find an even better global minimum.


The CyclicLR adjusted the learning rate according to a cyclical learning rate policy, which is based on the concept of warm restarts which we just discussed in the previous section. In PyTorch there are three built-in policies.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CyclicLR

scheduler = CyclicLR(optimizer, 
                     base_lr = 0.0001, # Initial learning rate which is the lower boundary in the cycle for each parameter group
                     max_lr = 1e-3, # Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle for each parameter group
                     step_size_up = 4, # Number of training iterations in the increasing half of a cycle
                     mode = "triangular")

With mode = "triangular" the resulting learning rate decay will follow a basic triangular cycle without amplitude scaling, which will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler CyclicLR with mode = 'triangular' (Image by the author)

With mode = "triangular2" the resulting learning rate decay will follow a basic triangular cycle that scales the initial amplitude by half at each cycle, which will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler CyclicLR with mode = 'triangular2' (Image by the author)

With mode = "exp_range" the resulting learning rate decay will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler CyclicLR with mode = 'exp_range' (Image by the author)


The OneCycleLR reduces learning rate according to the 1cycle learning rate policy, which was introduced in a paper in 2017 [3].

In contrast to many other learning rate schedulers, the learning rate is not only decreased over the training process. Instead, the learning rate increases from an initial learning rate to some maximum learning rate and then decreases again.

from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR

scheduler = OneCycleLR(optimizer, 
                       max_lr = 1e-3, # Upper learning rate boundaries in the cycle for each parameter group
                       steps_per_epoch = 8, # The number of steps per epoch to train for.
                       epochs = 4, # The number of epochs to train for.
                       anneal_strategy = 'cos') # Specifies the annealing strategy

With anneal_strategy = "cos" the resulting learning rate decay will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler OneCycleLR with anneal_strategy = ‘cos’ (Image by the author)

With anneal_strategy = "linear" the resulting learning rate decay will look like this.

PyTorch Learning Rate Scheduler OneCycleLR with anneal_strategy = ‘linear’ (Image by the author)


The ReduceLROnPlateau reduces the learning rate by when the metric has stopped improving. As you can guess, this is difficult to visualize because the learning rate reduction timing depends on your model, data, and hyperparameters.

Custom Learning Rate Schedulers with Lambda Functions

If the built-in learning rate schedulers don’t fit your needs, you have the possibility to define a scheduler with lambda functions. The lambda function is a function that returns a multiplicative factor based on the epoch value.

The LambdaLR adjusts the learning rate by applying the multiplicative factor from the lambda function to the initial LR.

lr_epoch[t] = lr_initial * lambda(epoch)

On the other hand, the MultiplicativeLR adjusts the learning rate by applying the multiplicative factor from the lambda function to the LR from the previous epoch.

lr_epoch[t] = lr_epoch[t-1] * lambda(epoch)

These learning rate schedulers are also a little bit difficult to visualize because they highly depend on the defined lambda function.

Conclusion and Visual Cheat Sheet

Now that you have seen a variety of different built-in PyTorch learning rate schedulers, you are probably curious about which learning rate scheduler you should choose for your Deep Learning project.

Unfortunately, the answer is not that easy — as often in life. For a while, ReduceLROnPlateau was a popular learning rate scheduler. Today, other approaches like CosineAnnealingLR and OneCycleLR or approaches with warm restarts like CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts and CyclicLR have been increasing in popularity.

Nonetheless, you might need to run a few experiments to determine which learning rate scheduler best suits your problem. But, what we can say is that using any learning scheduler will most likely lead to better model performance.

Below is a visual summary of the discussed learning rate schedulers in PyTorch.

Cheat Sheet of Learning Rate Schedulers in PyTorch (Image by the author)

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[1] Loshchilov, I., & Hutter, F. (2016). Sgdr: Stochastic gradient descent with warm restarts. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03983.

[2] Singer, P. & Babakhin, Y. (2022) Practical Tips for Deep Transfer Learning. In: Kaggle Days Paris 2022.

[3] Smith, L. N., & Topin, N. (2019). Super-convergence: Very fast training of neural networks using large learning rates. In Artificial intelligence and machine learning for multi-domain operations applications (Vol. 11006, pp. 369–386). SPIE.


Here is the code I used to visualize the learning rate schedulers:

import torch
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR # Import your choice of scheduler here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator


# Set model and optimizer
model = torch.nn.Linear(2, 1)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=LEARNING_RATE)

# Define your scheduler here as described above
# ...

# Get learning rates as each training step
learning_rates = []

for i in range(EPOCHS*STEPS_IN_EPOCH):

# Visualize learinig rate scheduler
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,5))
ax.set_xlim([0, EPOCHS*STEPS_IN_EPOCH])
ax.set_ylim([0, LEARNING_RATE + 0.0001])
ax.set_ylabel('Learning Rate')
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