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A vegan shares their personal story of how a meat-based diet made them sick, leading them to adopt a vegan lifestyle for health reasons, and emphasizes the importance of healthy eating habits.


The article is a personal narrative by a vegan who experienced frequent stomach pain and discomfort throughout their childhood. After numerous doctor visits with no clear diagnosis, they decided to experiment with a vegan diet. The individual, who identifies as a Buddhist, noticed a significant improvement in their health after becoming vegan. They emphasize that their choice to be vegan is not a judgment on others' dietary choices but rather a personal decision based on their own health needs. The author shares their experiences dating individuals who consume meat and encourages others to prioritize their health through diet. They also mention surviving cancer twice and recovering quickly from COVID-19, attributing their resilience to their diet. The article concludes with the author expressing their willingness to share more tips on healthy eating and encouraging readers to ask questions in the comments section.

Bullet points

  • The author is a vegan who used to experience frequent stomach pain and discomfort.
  • They experimented with a vegan diet and noticed a significant improvement in their health.
  • The author identifies as a Buddhist and believes in the importance of a healthy diet.
  • They do not judge others for their dietary choices and have dated individuals who consume meat.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health through diet and shares their experiences surviving cancer and recovering from COVID-19.
  • They express their willingness to share more tips on healthy eating and encourage readers to ask questions in the comments section.

✅ A Vegan Tale: Respecting All Meat Eaters, I Am Not Superior

> ✅ Life Lessons: Change my Diet or Die>

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Photo by Hannah Tasker on Unsplash

Tori had a strange reaction to meat. READ> >

✅ I am a vegan by choice. However, it is not what you think. Somehow, meat made me sick. Yes, I mean expensive steak made me sick. I often become ill all throughout my childhood. I went to doctors, and no one could figure why. My stomach would cramp up, and I felt like vomiting. Then I would spend the night in the bathroom. Sadly, this would happen at the wrong times. I would be taking a test, and my stomach would start to hurt. I learned to cry without tears, to smile while in pain, and the art of dying while living.

✅ I am a Buddhist, and we often have once a week where we do not eat meat or dairy all day. I woke up one day and decided to do an experiment. From that day forward, I would become a vegan. For the first week in my life, a miracle, I would not feel any pain in my stomach. Since that day about 8 years ago, I have remained a healthy vegan. Sometimes, you have to look inside for life’s solutions.

✅ Thank you!

I have dated women who eat meat, and I do not look down on them. To each her own. I had to do a radical amount of research to be a healthy vegan. I consume super foods, no processed foods, and drink amazing teas. I never eat out. Oh, I survived cancer twice, and I think my diet was a factor. My friend caught Covid and almost died as he was in intensive care for two months. He was overweight. I do not eat sugar. Did you know some table salts add sugar? Read the labels.

✅ I caught Covid, and in one week, I felt fine. By week two, I felt normal. Indeed, health is wealth. You are what you eat!

✅ Oh, if you want more tips about how to eat healthy, ask in the comment section for me to write more. Perhaps we can collaborate on how to eat spiritually cleaner! I only eat one meal a day. Eat less to be more! Love more! Love nuts, seeds, monk fruit, and raw vegetables more.

✅ Read about my joy of tea!

✅ WARNING: YUCK > > Watch Monty Pythons: Death by Overeating

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