avatarUsman Khalid Qureshi


“ A Unique Story of a Second Coin”

Dear Medium Members, I have heard a small and unique story about a Coin, which I would like to share with you all

A Picture by master1305 from Freepik

The story begins in the room where 15 friends are waiting for a meal and talking with each other.

Suddenly, the host tells them that dinner will be served late, so if any of them had any exciting stories to share, they could share. After that, the host left the room.

One of the 15 members said, “Guys, I want to show you all something unique.”

He put his hand in the pocket and took out a Coin.

He said it was an ancient Coin and only one more of this type had been issued, And I am fortunate to have one of it.

It had beautiful engravings. Everybody wanted to hold it, so they all started looking and holding it individually. Everybody was praising it.

All members got fully engaged in looking at and praising the coin. As time passed, the Coin owner said, “Please give me back my Coin.”

Everybody started looking at each other in the hope somebody would return it.

Firstly, the owner of the Coin thought it was a joke.

He politely requested that please give it to me. Slowly, things got serious as everybody was denying it. The owner’s voice got louder, and the host suddenly entered the room.

He asked, “What’s the matter? Why are you guys arguing?”

The Coin’s owner told the whole story.

After listening to the Coin’s owner, it was decided that everybody would be inspected individually.

Everyone agreed to give an inspection. Only one member got up and spoke. “Look, I did not ask to see this coin. I don’t have it. Nor will I allow an inspection.”

Everyone gazed at him and said, “Brother, why are you not letting the host search you if you don’t have it?”

He said, “I came here after my mother's funeral; I am already distraught. I am not lying. I don’t have this man’s coin. Will not let anybody search me.”

Arguments erupted, and members tried to grab the person. Things got out of control. He took out his gun and pointed at all of them.

“Nobody will come near me for inspection.”

Everybody got afraid and pulled back.

At that exact moment, one member saw the coin lying on the floor, picked it up, and gave it to the owner.

As things settled, the host asked the man why he took out the gun when he didn’t have the coin.

The man replied.

“Now, as you have found the coin, I can tell you why I was so reluctant to inspect.”

He put his hand in his pocket and took out the Second Coin.

He said,

“ I had the Second Coin. If you had inspected me, you would not have believed in me and would have thought I had stolen it from him.”

Everyone was so amazed at the coincidence.

So, all the members were astonished to know both coin owners were with them. And so, the story ends.

I wanted to share a unique and simple story with you all. I hope you would have enjoyed it,

Thank You For Reading.

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