avatarRebecca Romanelli


A True Account of my Interaction With an Extraterrestrial Being

There were three witnesses to this event and two of them were strangers

Image by Stefan Keller/pixabay

It was mid-year 1976 when my travel buddy Karen and I paused in San Jose, Costa Rica for a few days so I could renew my passport at the American Embassy. We had been traveling overland through Mexico and Central America and planned on flying into Colombia as soon as I received the new document.

We woke to a sunny day and decided to grab a bus and head off to a nature reserve located an hour away from the Capitol. We were avid trekkers and lost track of time hiking through the diverse plant life. We checked our watch and realized we needed to head to the junction for the last bus back to the city.

We met up with two Tico men our age on the way and became engaged in an entertaining conversation as we continued walking four abreast on the now deserted dirt road.

The late afternoon sun was casting a golden light over the small pasture edging the road to my left. Karen was next to me and had turned her head to respond to our new friends when a sudden burst of white-blue light across the pasture caught my peripheral vision.

I glanced across the field and was so astonished I stopped in my tracks exclaiming, “Who is that!?”

A man had appeared out of nowhere, wearing skin-tight, silvery blue, luminescent clothing. The air surrounding his form contained crackling, white-blue light.

Even from a distance, I could see his eyes shining light. They looked similar to a clear quartz crystal refracting sunlight in its depth. I could feel him scanning our small group rapidly, then returning to focus on me.

The instant he did so, I heard one word telepathically — CONNECTED. I felt an opening sensation in my abdomen as a rush of energy flooded my entire body.

It was extremely euphoric. I was filled with love, light and a weightless sensation.

The man observed me, then faced forward. I mirrored his action spontaneously without thought. Whoever he was, I was completely and willingly synched into his force.

He took off running through the uneven pasture at a tremendous speed, without appearing to touch the ground. I ran along the road directly opposite him.

I was being pulled in like a tractor beam and moving effortlessly at the same speed. My body was self-governing and protected. I had never moved this fast in my life.

I could hear Karen and our companions running far behind me, calling out. I was immersed in the field this Star Being had created and had no thought but to carry on.

The pasture was long and narrow, ending abruptly at a stand of trees in a forest. When the two of us arrived together at the end of the pasture another extremely bright flash of white blue light occurred. The man disappeared with one last look into my eyes.

He simply vanished. The instant he was gone, I was slam-dunked back into my body’s normal state. I still felt supercharged but the euphoria and gravity-free feelings were no longer present.

Karen and the two Ticos arrived by my side, huffing and puffing with exertion as they had tried to keep up and been left far behind. I was standing still in the road and staring in wonder at the spot where I had last seen the man.

Karen looked into my eyes exclaiming, “I don’t even know what I’ve just seen. A strange man wearing a futuristic suit manifested out of nowhere and the two of you took off running at a speed I can’t even imagine. We saw him disappear too. What just happened?”

The Ticos were flabbergasted and speaking so fast I could barely understand their words until they calmed down. They touched my arms for reassurance as all four of us recounted our versions of the experience.

We were of an accord, no disputes. We saw the same clothing, light coming from his clear eyes and the gaze he directed at me. The similarities stopped there. They hadn’t felt the anti-gravity effect and heightened state of mind I had shared through this Being’s frequencies.

Karen was highly intuitive and open-minded when it came to non-ordinary experiences but I could see this one floored her. “I could almost feel the connection passing back and forth between the two of you. Your feet were barely touching the ground!”

Image by Simone Holland/pixabay

The four of us kept walking briskly back to the junction, continuing our discussion and pondering as we tried to make sense of it. It defied logic and left brain reasoning.

The one conclusion we all agreed upon was that we had a brief, yet highly impactful encounter with a friendly Starman, the name we gave him.

I discovered one side effect of this strange initiation when we arrived at the junction, only to find out the last bus was filled with passengers and the driver said he couldn’t take more.

I looked into the bus, clogged with people in the front and back, leaving an open space in the middle. I heard a voice similar to Starman’s telepathic transmission sound off in my head. “The human race must unite.”

I stood outside the bus and began redirecting the passengers inside. “Move to the middle. We can all make it if you move to the middle from front and back.”

Everyone inside the bus was staring at me and nodding their heads in agreement. They converged in the center of the bus and created space for the few of us left behind. The driver relented and reopened the doors. “You were very persuasive chica. Come onboard.”

Starman had embedded the word unity in my consciousness in a new way. I now saw it as a prime solution to many of humanity’s woes. A gathering together in the middle would increase our acceptance of differences and level the playing field for all.

Unity would eventually usher in equality.

The bus ride back to San Jose was filled with joy and laughter as all onboard began sharing jokes and telling stories during our hour-long ride. Even the driver occasionally chimed in with an aside here and there.

When we reached our destination I heard people commenting they wished the journey had been longer it was so much fun. I was still in an altered state and had been content to sit quietly and listen to others while I sifted through our magical afternoon.

To this day I have no idea who Starman was and where he came from. But I’ve never doubted he was as real as myself. And that he had the ability to grant me a view of his consciousness for a few short minutes.

Receiving his energy convinced me Extraterrestrials are both present on Earth and inclined toward gentle spiritual guidance if any is offered.

Perhaps there are warring aliens from diverse worlds but consider this fact. If they have technology far in advance of ours and have not interfered with our reality, they can’t be as evil as some have proposed.

Fear of aliens has proven to be a most effective suppression of public curiosity. Keeping the discussion of intelligent life in our universe to an acceptable level, probing only so far.

The U.S. government has now been forced to disclose highly classified material about UFO research and sightings from the 1940s and beyond. There have been too many leaks from top officials, tired of the secrecy and facts being held by the public.

They’ve spilt their beans and disclosed their experiences on shows streaming on TV now. There are many documented photos from Navy and Air Force pilots witnessing aircraft able to make manoeuvres unheard of with our existing tools. Denial is no longer an option.

I share this experience from the past because my intuition has guided me to do so. I’ve never talked about this event, even with my husband and close friends.

It registered as sacred at the time it took place and has remained that way ever since.

I activate a self-made, golden rule when the unusual shows up. I need to feel or see phenomena directly before believing them.

Once feeling has passed through my physicality, I know the information in a core way. If my body says no, the information is released. A simple, clear process.

It was my body knowing that identified Starman as a benign energy, demonstrating a consciousness more evolved than ours.

I believe we’ll all be introduced to extraterrestrials in the future. Some may be working among us now in the guise of human beings.

They are here to assist our evolution through non-interference role modeling. Unless our choices and actions threaten the life of our planet.

I encourage you to open your minds and allow the possibility of advanced, otherworldly life to be a part of your thought stream.

Star Beings are invested in the survival of our human race and the restoration of our beautiful planet. But they are not here to save us. We have to do that for ourselves.

I hope to hear more from them.

Extraterrestrial Life
Life Lessons
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