avatarKatharine Valentino



A To-Do List That Will Make You Happy

I’m trying out a new way to find happiness amid all the day’s chores

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

To-do lists. Ugh!

If you’re like me, the older you get (I’m almost 80), the harder it is to complete all the tasks in any day’s to-do list. It’s no longer enough just to sit down at end-of-day and write …

  • Yoga
  • Vacuum
  • Give the dogs a bath
  • Write something
  • Read 10 Medium stories
  • Where are my gardening gloves?

… and then spring out of bed (spring? You gotta be kiddin’) the next morning and get right to it.

In fact, my “it” today, which I promised myself last night to “get right to,” is so far no more than a couch, a cup of coffee, two dusty dogs vying for my lap, and some TV news and social media.

Scrolling through Facebook, I came across something that might help me get off the couch. “Gratitude” and “happiness” were in the title, and the text began:

Instead of saying “I have to” start your day with “I get to.”

I’m rewriting my to-do list now:

  • I’m 79 and grateful I can still do YOGA today.
  • I get to VACUUM today and I’ll be happy to have a clean house.
  • I’ve always been grateful for dogs. Gotta GIVE DOGS A BATH today.
  • WRITE SOMETHING today and feel proud of myself and grateful for no Alzheimer’s yet. Proud of myself is happy. No Alzheimer’s yet is definitely something to be grateful for.
  • READ 10 MEDIUM STORIES ‘cause I promised myself 10 reads for every write. Keeping promises is happy.
  • Darn it, I’ll sure be grateful to finally scratch WHERE ARE MY GARDENING GLOVES? off my list.

There. Happiness and gratitude in a to-do list. And I’ve done one thing on the list already.

More on happiness from Katharine Valentino:

A human, not an AI text generator, wrote this story. (More Info)

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To Do List
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