avatarMuhammad Nasrullah Khan


A poet dreams of their words turned into widely sung songs but feels a personal void due to a loved one's absence, and encounters a street musician whose dedication to his craft contrasts with public indifference.


The narrative "A Solitary Song" depicts a poet's dream where their poetry is transformed into music that resonates with millions, yet the poet is emotionally detached from this success due to the absence of a significant person. The poet then describes an encounter with a street performer whose soulful singing, filled with longing and heartache, goes unnoticed by the bustling city crowd. Despite the lack of recognition, the singer continues to perform with passion, serving as a poignant symbol of artistic perseverance amidst societal indifference. The website also recommends an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), offering a similar level of performance.


  • The poet feels a profound sense of loss and disconnection from the world, despite the apparent success of their work.
  • The street musician is portrayed as an underappreciated artist who finds fulfillment in his art rather than in the approval of others.
  • The public's disregard for the musician's talent reflects a broader societal indifference towards individual expressions of artistry.
  • The poet seems to find a connection with the musician, both sharing the theme of unacknowledged artistry.
  • The recommendation for ZAI.chat suggests a value proposition for readers interested in AI services, emphasizing cost-effectiveness without compromising on performance.

A Solitary Song

A Love Poem

Photo by Simon Maennling on Unsplash

I had a dream last night,, My poems become songs, A symphony of words, a chorus of emotions, Millions of people sing my songs, Their voices rising like a tidal wave of sound, But I pass them indifferently, Lost in the silence of your absence.

Your absence an echoing void, And then I meet a singer, A lone troubadour of the streets, Away from the crowd, Far from people, Invisible to the rushing world.

He plays his piece, A melody of longing and heartache, For a few dollars, His music a humble offering, As the crowd of walking trench coats Hurry past, oblivious to his artistry, Their boots pound on on the sidewalk, A cacophony of indifference, Way louder than his nameless song.

Yet he sings on, undeterred, Pouring his soul into the night, A solitary note in the city’s endless absurdity.

My recommendation:

Make Someone Happy by Anandhi Palaniappan


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