avatarKhushi Anand


The article outlines a six-step plan to help readers achieve their goals by the end of the year, emphasizing reflection, goal setting, system review, visualization, and monthly planning.


The article "A Six-Step Plan to Help You Finish This Year With A Bang" encourages readers not to give up on their aspirations for the current year. It advocates for a final push in the last quarter by first reflecting on the goals set at the beginning of the year and then writing down new objectives for the remaining months. The importance of writing down goals is underscored by research showing a higher likelihood of achieving them. The article also suggests reviewing personal systems and daily habits to ensure alignment with one's priorities and values. Visualization is recommended as a powerful tool to reinforce one's commitment to these goals. The plan further involves breaking down goals into monthly targets, starting with a smart strategy for October, and then reviewing progress to adjust for November and December. The author emphasizes the importance of honest self-assessment and flexibility in planning, advocating for weekly rather than daily planning to accommodate varying energy levels. The article concludes with the author sharing their personal success with this method and encouraging readers to persevere and carry their achievements into the next year.


  • The author believes that it's never too late to achieve one's goals for the year and that the last quarter is an opportunity to do so.
  • People who write down their goals are considered more likely to achieve them, according to the article.
  • The author suggests that reflecting on one's goals and priorities is a crucial first step in successful planning.
  • Visualization is a powerful technique that can help align one's daily actions with their long-term goals.
  • Breaking down goals into smaller, monthly increments is seen as a practical approach to achieving larger objectives.
  • Weekly planning is preferred over daily planning to accommodate fluctuations in energy and mood, allowing for flexibility and resilience in goal pursuit.
  • The author values honest self-assessment and encourages readers to adjust their goals and methods based on what they learn about their capabilities and preferences throughout the process.

A Six-Step Plan to Help You Finish This Year With A Bang

Don’t give up on your goals now

Photo by Inga Seliverstova on Pexels

It’s not too late.

2023 isn’t over yet. Instead of fantasising about making 2024 your year and thinking about all the goals you’ll achieve, make this year yours.

One last quarter, one last sprint.

Follow these steps to end this year on a good note, feeling satisfied and proud of yourself instead of ending another year with guilt wishing you’d been more serious and gotten more done.

Reflect on your yearly goals

Any good planning starts with reflection. What goals did you write down at the start of 2023? Are these still your priorities?

It’s okay if not. It’s been a whole 9 months, and our focus and what we want can change with time. But it’s important to look back on what you thought you wanted to have a clearer view of what you do want.

Write down your goals for the last quarter

Now that you have more clarity on what you want to achieve, it’s time to write down those goals on paper.

People who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them than people who merely say them out loud.

To remain focused for the rest of the year, put these goals up somewhere in your bedroom, above your desk perhaps. This way, every time you sit down to work, you‘ll be reminded of why you’re doing this.

Review your systems

Ask yourself these few questions.

  • What gives me energy?
  • What takes away energy?
  • How do I want to spend my time this last quarter?
  • Is my routine aligned with my most important goal?
  • How can I change my daily habits to get the most out of my day?

Be as detailed as you can be.

The power of visualisation has a strong hold on us. When you visualise spending your time aligned with your priorities and values, you’ll send a message to your subconscious that this is who you are. Behaving like your dream self will now become effortless.

Break down your goals as per months

Break down each of your goals into the last three months. For example, let’s say you want to lose 5 kgs before this year is over.

You can break it down to lose 2 kg in Oct, 2 in Nov, and 1 in Dec. Keep the time in mind, we tend to eat more in December because of the festive season, be a lot lazier and have less time to work so it’s best to take it easy then.

Now there’s no need to fret. You still have 3 whole months left. What you can’t achieve in one, you can target in the next month.

This is why we’re starting early. How much better is it to say ‘I’ll lose 5 kgs in the next three months’ than saying ‘I’ll lose 5 kgs in December somehow’?Much more possible that it will happen too.

Plan October smartly

Now that you have your blueprint ready, it’s time to devise a smart plan for October.

I like to plan my week instead of my days. We don’t tend to have the same energy every day of the week. Sometimes we’re emotionally frustrated, generally tired or just not in the mood to hustle.

So plan what you’ll achieve the first week of October and distribute your tasks to the days. Even if you complete one of Monday’s tasks on Tuesday it’s not a biggie.

As long as you conquer your week, you’re good.

Every weekend, plan the next week, taking notes on what worked and what didn’t in the last week.

Review and keep going.

After October, you’ll have a fair idea of what’s working and what’s not. Maybe you’ll discover you don’t have the time to work out 5 times a week, 4 works way better for you.

Review what you’ve learnt, take a hard look at the goals you set earlier and plan for the next month. As long as you’re honest, don’t cheat yourself and are sincere about this, you’ll end 2023 feeling extremely proud of yourself, glad that you didn’t give up in this last quarter and will already be on a high for the next year ahead.

Last thoughts

That’s it! This is my plan for the next 3 months. I’ve been planning each quarter this way this year and it’s worked incredibly well for me.

I hope this helps you achieve your goals too.

Have a great last quarter!

With love,


Self Improvement
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