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A Python developer has created a simple wrapper for OpenAI's API to facilitate the generation of text with OpenAI's models, providing customizable output formats and handling rate limiting.


The developer has designed a Python class named LLM to streamline interactions with OpenAI's API, particularly for personal use. This wrapper simplifies the process of generating text by allowing users to specify the model, temperature for randomness, and output format. It includes methods for initializing the API key, model structure representation, validating JSON against a Pydantic BaseModel, and generating text with error handling and rate limiting. The generate_text method is a core feature that sends prompts to the API and ensures that the responses conform to the specified output format, if provided. The code is robust, with mechanisms to retry in case of rate limits and to handle exceptions gracefully.


  • The developer believes in the importance of understanding the structure of the models used, as evidenced by the inclusion of the model_structure_repr method.
  • There is an emphasis on ensuring that the generated text adheres to the expected JSON format, which is crucial for structured data exchange.
  • The code is designed with user convenience in mind, as seen in the easy-to-use methods that abstract away the complexity of direct API calls.
  • The developer values error handling and has implemented a strategy to deal with rate limiting by exponentially increasing the wait time before retrying the request.
  • The use of Pydantic BaseModel for model structure representation and validation indicates a preference for type safety and data integrity.
  • The developer assumes a helpful assistant role for the OpenAI API, as indicated by the default system message provided to the API.

A Simple OpenAI API Wrapper

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I designed a simple Python wrapper around OpenAI’s API, specifically designed for personal use. The wrapper is focused on easily obtaining the desired output from OpenAI’s models while also allowing the flexibility to define the output format. Let’s break down what each part of the code does:

Overview of Class and Methods

  1. __init__: Initializes the LLM (Language Learning Model, perhaps?) class with an API key, the name of the model (defaulting to "gpt-3.5-turbo"), and a temperature parameter that controls the randomness of the generated text.
  2. model_structure_repr: Generates a string representation of a Pydantic BaseModel structure. This is useful for understanding what keys a model requires.
  3. is_valid_json_for_model: Checks if a given JSON string is not only valid JSON but also conforms to a given Pydantic BaseModel.
  4. generate_text: Interacts with OpenAI's API to produce text based on a given prompt. Optionally, you can specify an output format (as a Pydantic BaseModel), the number of completions, and a maximum token limit.

Detailed Breakdown

Initialization (__init__)

When you create an instance of LLM, you pass in your OpenAI API key, the model type, and the temperature. These are stored as instance variables and used later in API calls.

def __init__(self, api_key, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.5):
    self.api_key = api_key
    self.model = model
    self.temperature = temperature
    openai.api_key = self.api_key

Model Structure Representation (model_structure_repr)

This method takes a Pydantic BaseModel as an argument and recursively generates a string representation of the model's structure. It's useful for providing feedback on what kind of JSON to expect.

def model_structure_repr(self, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> str:

        fields = model.__fields__
        # pdb.set_trace()
        field_reprs = []

        for name, model_field in fields.items():
            description = model_field.field_info.description or "No description"
            field_type = model_field.annotation

            # If it's a list type
            if getattr(field_type, '__origin__', None) == list:
                inner_type = field_type.__args__[0]

                # Check if the inner type of the list is a BaseModel
                if issubclass(inner_type, BaseModel):
                    inner_repr = self.model_structure_repr(inner_type)
                    field_reprs.append(f"{name}: [{inner_repr}]({description})")
                    field_reprs.append(f"{name}: [{inner_type.__name__}]({description})")

            # If it's a BaseModel (but not a list)
            elif issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
                inner_repr = self.model_structure_repr(field_type)
                field_reprs.append(f"{name}: {inner_repr} ({description})")

            # For basic types (e.g. str, int, ...)
                field_reprs.append(f"{name}: {field_type.__name__} ({description})")

        return f"{{{', '.join(field_reprs)}}}"

Validating JSON (is_valid_json_for_model)

This method tries to parse a JSON string and checks whether it fits into a specified Pydantic BaseModel. It returns a boolean value based on the validation.

def is_valid_json_for_model(self, text: str, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> bool:
        Check if a text is valid JSON and if it respects the provided BaseModel.
        model.model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)

            parsed_data = json.loads(text)
            return True
        except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValidationError) as e:
            return False

Text Generation (generate_text)

Here, the magic happens. You send a system message and a user prompt to the OpenAI API. The API returns a response based on the model and temperature you’ve set.

If you specify an output format (a Pydantic BaseModel), the response from the API must conform to that model. Otherwise, it's ignored. The method also handles rate-limiting by waiting and retrying the API call.

def generate_text(self, prompt, output_format: Optional[BaseModel] = None, n_completions=1, max_tokens=None):
        retry_delay = 0.1  # initial delay is 100 milliseconds
        valid_responses = []

        while len(valid_responses) < n_completions:
                system_message = "You are a helpful assistant."
                if output_format:
                    system_message += f" Respond in a json format that contains the following keys: {self.model_structure_repr(output_format)}"

                params = {
                    "model": self.model,
                    "messages": [
                            "role": "system",
                            "content": system_message
                            "role": "user",
                            "content": prompt
                    "temperature": self.temperature,
                    "n": n_completions
                if max_tokens is not None:
                    params["max_tokens"] = max_tokens

                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**params)
                choices = response["choices"]
                responses = [choice["message"]["content"] for choice in choices]

                if output_format:
                    valid_responses.extend([json.loads(res) for res in responses if self.is_valid_json_for_model(res, output_format)])

            except openai.error.RateLimitError as err:
                print(f"Hit rate limit. Retrying in {retry_delay} seconds.")
                retry_delay *= 2
            except Exception as err:
                print(f"Error: {err}")

        return valid_responses[:n_completions]

Error Handling and Rate Limiting

The code is also designed to handle rate-limiting errors from the API by exponentially increasing the wait time before trying the request again.

That’s a quick overview! This wrapper simplifies several complex tasks into easy-to-use methods, enabling more efficient and convenient interaction with OpenAI’s API.

Full code:

import openai
import time
import json
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError, ConfigDict
from typing import Type,  Optional

class LLM:
    def __init__(self, api_key, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.5):
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.model = model
        self.temperature = temperature
        openai.api_key = self.api_key

    def model_structure_repr(self, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> str:

        fields = model.__fields__
        field_reprs = []

        for name, model_field in fields.items():
            description = model_field.field_info.description or "No description"
            field_type = model_field.annotation

            # If it's a list type
            if getattr(field_type, '__origin__', None) == list:
                inner_type = field_type.__args__[0]

                # Check if the inner type of the list is a BaseModel
                if issubclass(inner_type, BaseModel):
                    inner_repr = self.model_structure_repr(inner_type)
                    field_reprs.append(f"{name}: [{inner_repr}]({description})")
                    field_reprs.append(f"{name}: [{inner_type.__name__}]({description})")

            # If it's a BaseModel (but not a list)
            elif issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
                inner_repr = self.model_structure_repr(field_type)
                field_reprs.append(f"{name}: {inner_repr} ({description})")

            # For basic types (e.g. str, int, ...)
                field_reprs.append(f"{name}: {field_type.__name__} ({description})")

        return f"{{{', '.join(field_reprs)}}}"

    def is_valid_json_for_model(self, text: str, model: Type[BaseModel]) -> bool:
        Check if a text is valid JSON and if it respects the provided BaseModel.
        model.model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True)

            parsed_data = json.loads(text)
            return True
        except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValidationError) as e:
            return False

    def generate_text(self, prompt, output_format: Optional[BaseModel] = None, n_completions=1, max_tokens=None):
        retry_delay = 0.1  # initial delay is 100 milliseconds
        valid_responses = []

        while len(valid_responses) < n_completions:
                system_message = "You are a helpful assistant."
                if output_format:
                    system_message += f" Respond in a json format that contains the following keys: {self.model_structure_repr(output_format)}"

                params = {
                    "model": self.model,
                    "messages": [
                            "role": "system",
                            "content": system_message
                            "role": "user",
                            "content": prompt
                    "temperature": self.temperature,
                    "n": n_completions
                if max_tokens is not None:
                    params["max_tokens"] = max_tokens

                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(**params)
                choices = response["choices"]
                responses = [choice["message"]["content"] for choice in choices]

                if output_format:
                    valid_responses.extend([json.loads(res) for res in responses if self.is_valid_json_for_model(res, output_format)])

            except openai.error.RateLimitError as err:
                print(f"Hit rate limit. Retrying in {retry_delay} seconds.")
                retry_delay *= 2
            except Exception as err:
                print(f"Error: {err}")

        return valid_responses[:n_completions]
Large Language Models
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