

A Revenant Alien’s Liturgy

Free verse from a freed man

Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

I don’t belong here

Now, don’t get me wrong

I like it here

It’s just not my home

Not since that day long ago when I came back to life

A revenant

Once it happened, I realized I was now an alien

A citizen of another place

On a sojourn

Enduring an exile

Far from my native land

Even as every day is full of joy

There is a pang

A longing

To be done traveling

To finally come home

We all know it

Even the ones who can’t say why

Listen, this life is short

But it’s a winding journey

We’re all strangers on the same road

Every bend, hiding the future

We face it blind

We long for —

No, we need


If you want, you can walk with me

I‘ll try to be good company

What do you say?

If you’re with me

Let’s go get that horizon

Thanks for reading. For more on this theme, check out the companion podcast episode below. Don’t be a stranger. Godspeed. And I’ll see you out there.

Journey Of Life
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