avatarDarlene López


A Reminder Not to Quit Writing

My voice matters.

Photo by Richard Dykes on Unsplash

My stories matter. The life I’ve lived so far matters. The things I’ve walked through matter. The battles I’ve faced matter.

At least this is what I tell myself these days when I feel like I’m putting writing on the back burner. Between being a full-time mom, finding time to write, even with a routine, can be hard at times.

I was thinking the other day about how long I’ve been on this platform. I created an account back in 2020 as a reader, I paid the $4.99 monthly subscription, and right away, I was intrigued by everyone’s stories — the stories I wholeheartedly related to.

I thought to myself, “I want to do that.”

I’m already pouring my thoughts into personal journals; why not share them with the world and see where it takes me?

I wasn’t looking for anything in return; my only desire was to unleash my words.

Unfortunately, we always have that little voice that fills our heads with criticism and negativity. That voice was telling me I wasn’t a writer, I’m not skilled at it, and no one will care about what I have to say. It took me three years to stand up to my negative self-talk and hit “publish”.

Still doubting myself, whether I suck or not, I’m certain I can build some sort of community here, release what’s in my heart, release the fear in the process, and improve as I go, in hopes that someone can resonate with me, like I have with other writers. That would be huge!

All I care about is being my authentic self in my writing, yet it’s so easy to come to the conclusion that my voice doesn’t matter, taking the easy way out. I want to make a meaningful impact, even if it’s just one person at a time.

So far, since June 2023, this journey has taught me a lot, and I believe that if my stories can inspire someone to change their life, allowing them to borrow my strength, then I’ll keep telling them, no matter how slowly my voice grows.

It doesn’t help that we live in a world where followers, likes, and comments can overshadow genuine experiences and connections, but as long as I share my thoughts and ideas instead of staying silent, my influence will grow, even if it takes time.

Right now, I need to stop overthinking it, being in my head all the damn time, because the world is feeling exhausted and in need of more hope. We really need stories about people overcoming challenges, finding their inner strength, and being recognized for their kindness and love. We need all of it.

What I needed this week:

I received this daily affirmation from The Mindful Mamas Club, which is a mental wellness app for mothers, but it couldn’t resonate more with my feelings about not only everyday life with my toddler during motherhood but also my other love — writing.

May I cherish each community I’m connected to. My community matters. I matter.

And this, from Joy Harden Bradford, PhD:

In sharing our stories, we really open up spaces for other people to be seen and validated.

Thank you for reading.

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Writing Life
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