avatarNalini MacNab


A Nurturing Moon

Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

In a cycle of learning about nurturing, some new moons hold more sway.

One of my favorite lines from Out of Africa is when Karin mentions the African new moon lying on her back. The line is spoken with such love and reverence. Would it be a new beginning if we approached life in this way?

The new moon in the sign of Cancer on the 17th, which is Monday for many of us, Tuesday for some, is such a new beginning. Cancer is the zodiac sign of deep nurturing. The new moon holds, not a submissive position, but one of nurturing abundance. What reflections are cupped within her embrace? What treasures does the light, shining on these reflections, hold for us?

What will we see about ourselves that wants releasing, and, more importantly, that we need to cherish?

A flower in bud, holds within its heart, the golden light of the sun. It is this light we see in our children, whether we know it or not. It is this light we need to remember within ourselves. When we mirror that light to one another, everyone’s vibration rises. What a glorious new game to play!

The new moon is a promise of waxing light.

What does not matter is being stripped away. It is a grand weeding of the garden so that what matters may manifest. Nature chooses what thrives, not by what is a ‘weed’ or not, but by what nurtures the larger field.

Dark moon, pale moon, rising soon…rising soon. Budding and composting alike, the garden is Her own.

Some friends and I got together to share a current of wisdom for this initiatory time. We hope you enjoy the video.

Namaste & Blessed Being

New Moon
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