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"A Monsoon Love Poem" is a vivid, sensual depiction of a passionate relationship with nature, equating the monsoon's intensity to a profound connection with the divine.


The poem "A Monsoon Love Poem" captures the essence of a deep, almost spiritual relationship with the monsoon season. It describes the intimacy of the wind, the excitement of the impending rain, and the raw energy of the storm as akin to the touch of a lover. The poet feels the monsoon's presence in the powerful water flows, from the forceful waterfalls to the gentle babbling brooks. The poem also touches on the theme of environmental awareness, suggesting that in the face of climate change and its effects on the earth's water, a reverence for nature, akin to pagan worship, might be necessary to invoke the monsoon's life-giving force.


  • The poet has a profound reverence for nature, personifying the monsoon as a lover and worshipping it as a pagan deity.
  • There is an underlying concern about climate change, indicated by references to melting glaciers and dried-up rivers.
  • The poem suggests that embracing a more spiritual and respectful attitude towards nature could be beneficial in the face of environmental crises.
  • The author seems to imply that modern society has lost its connection with nature, which needs to be restored.

A Monsoon Love Poem

Photo: Courtesy Aline de Nadai@Unsplash

The wind raced down the promenade hugged my curves made me feel naked the sudden drizzle pecked my cheeks the darkening sky promised more...

A zig-zag streak ripped the firmament with bated breath I heard the roar a delicious tingle down my spine the ensuing deluge percolated into my soul…

They call me Pagan coz I worship you I sense Your presence in the stormy torrents gushing waterfalls| in the swirling streams babbling brooks and the placid lakes...

When the glaciers melt the rivers run dry when lush green is scarce the earth swathed in brown when the rising mercury makes us thirst for you wouldn’t we wish there were more heathen like me?

Nature Poem
Ecstatic Poetry
Climate Change
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