A mist in the pulpit is a fog in the pew.
Pastors need to stand up for what they believe in and not create a mist from the podium and a fog in the pew.

Quick Quote — Source — Haddon Robinson
A Biblical Christian worldview perspective — A reader brought this quote to my attention. It was offered as a result of the recent declaration from Pope Francis allowing priests to bless same-sex couples after saying just two years ago that God, “cannot bless sin” in referring to same-sex marriages. The point is not to bring out controversy in this doctrinal minefield. Instead, it is to remind those in pastoral leadership to be clear on their theology, even if that requires an admission that it has changed. Sound and unsound theological instruction begins at the front of the church sanctuary, not in Sunday School, Children’s Church, Discipleship classes, or Home Fellowship Groups.
James 3:1 — Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
The pastor, staff, elders, and deacons must set the standard for what is offered by all those in authority in the church so that members will not be,
Tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. — Ephesians 4:14b
Pastors, with grace and love, stand up and be clear on what you believe and, if it is of God, He will bless you, regardless of what follows. And, if it is not of God, be warned…
You might even be found opposing God!” — Acts 5:39b
Author — Jeff Hilles | BCWorldview.org
Salvation — Eternal Life in Less Than 150 Words
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