avatarDarlene López


The author reflects on an old love letter from her past, appreciating the authenticity of the emotions expressed despite the relationship not lasting.


The author, Darlene, shares her experience of discovering an old love letter from her early twenties. The letter, written by someone she did not end up with, still resonates with her due to the authenticity of the emotions expressed. Despite the relationship not lasting, Darlene cherishes the letter as a symbol of the power of love and a reminder of the enduring impact of love over time. The letter, which expresses the writer's growing feelings and appreciation for Darlene, is included in the article. Darlene acknowledges that the relationship ended quickly but wishes the writer well and appreciates the lessons learned from the experience.


  • The author values the authenticity of emotions expressed in the love letter.
  • The author sees the letter as a symbol of the power of love and its enduring impact over time.
  • The author appreciates the letter writer for encouraging her to embrace her true self and teaching her the beauty of vulnerability.
  • The author believes in love at first sight and cherishes the unexpected way love found her through the letter writer.
  • The author desires a love that is effortless, natural, and enduring.
  • The author wishes the letter writer well, despite the relationship not lasting.
  • The author reflects on the lessons learned from the relationship and appreciates the experience.

A Love Letter From the Heart and the Past

Revisiting 2013

Photo by Liam Truong on Unsplash

While delving into my past, I discovered something special — an old love letter written to me in my early twenties.

Despite life leading us on separate paths, the emotions expressed in those words still resonate with me.

While the person who wrote it isn’t the one I ended up with, the authenticity of their feelings remains true and forever in my heart.

I’ve held onto this letter without any hard feelings, seeing it as a symbol of the power of love. It reminds me that the impact of love endures over time, no matter how many years have passed.

To Darlene:

I fear that I may possibly feel something more than what I show, and the reason I don’t show it is that I have no idea what I’m getting myself into.

You say I don’t try and that I have no interest, but how can that be, when every day I think of you and only you? I go against everything my mind tells me because my heart tells me I want to be with you because I genuinely (and I probably spelled that wrong) care about what you think and what you feel.

I don’t know what to tell you other than I do appreciate you, I do care, I do take you seriously, and I do want this to work.

Sometimes it is hard to trust people, but I think if I don’t take a chance, how will I ever know?

You have made me smile every day that we’ve crossed paths. You and your attitude, along with all the slick remarks, are what make me love everything about your being. I wouldn’t want to change you at all, not one tiny bit.

Yes, I mess up, but I’m a man; since when do we ever get anything right?

But I promise you, I am not the man you think I am; I am not like your exes. I may be an asshole, I may be crazy, but I am crazy about you. I adore you — how can I not?

You’re the craziest, sexiest, smartest, funniest, most charismatic, energetic, mood-swinging, eye-rolling woman I know, and I can’t let you try to walk away, because I want this — all of you, every part, every crazy inch of you.

From: C

I’m a sucker for letters, love letters to be exact, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he sent me this. I was twenty-two when I experienced love at first sight.

I saw him from a distance, and I knew I wanted to be bold enough to introduce myself, something I had never done. I knew we were going to make history together, as coworkers, friends, lovers, perhaps even soulmates — I don’t know, but I just knew. What I didn’t know was how quickly it was going to end.

Despite how things ended, I wish him all the best. I wish him infinite love, happiness, and good health because overall, he was a good person with a good heart. I can’t say the same about many exes, so that speaks volumes.

Sometimes things don’t work out for reasons we understand, and sometimes for reasons that don’t make sense at all.

He showed me that love at first sight isn’t just a fairy tale. He encouraged me to embrace my true self, complete with all my quirks and mood swings. He taught me the beauty of vulnerability, whether it’s pouring my heart out on a crumpled receipt from our time at that Tribeca bar, just as he did. In the end, the twenty-two-year-old version of myself was granted a shot at love, and it was real, even if it didn’t last.

Because of him, I wasn’t looking for love; instead, I let love look for me. I wanted it to find me in the most unexpected way I could possibly imagine, the way it found me through him.

I desired for love to surprise me, to feel effortless, natural, and enduring, the kind that wouldn’t give up even as the world changes.

Thank you for reading. ❤️

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