avatarKasun Ranasinghe


A Letter to Ms. Summer

Poetry Prompt

Image by jools_sh from Pixabay

Dear Ms. Summer Season, It seems like years since we met, I hope you’re fine and keeping safe, From viral flu, we’ll soon forget,

I’ve seen your posts on Facebook, The most famous season on the net, Praised in writing, music, and film, Ms. Season of freedom, fun, and sweat,

Your pictures look sizzling on Instagram, Going viral on Twitter threads, Painting works of art at sunset, Filled with yellows, pinks, and reds,

I see you through my crystal screen, And drift back to the age of ten, The soothing warm night’s embrace, The endless days we shared back then,

I remember the cool snacks you made, Watermelon, ice-cream, and smoothies, Sneaking them in with popcorn trays, To laugh and cry at big-budget movies,

Those days when we stretched our legs, Blazing trails through mountain peaks, Bouncing balls with beach boys and bikini babes, And peaceful picnics with pleasant peeps.

Oh, how are your sisters doing by the way? Spring and Autumn seem as close as ever, Is winter still giving you the cold shoulder? We both know that grudge won’t last forever,

Anyway, I’m getting long-winded, Sorry for the long raving ramble, Let me say what I wanted to say, After all this silly preamble,

Be safe and hope this virus dies, So I can come to visit next June, I miss you Summer, Best regards, Your dearest friend Kasun.

Thank you Sarah Paris for the prompt. She claims she is not a poet and yet her sizzling poem inspired so many possibilities in my head. And after sifting through them and stapling them together, this piece came to life! (I also sprinkled in some of your words. I hope you don’t mind.) Read her poem and get inspired too!

Check out the original post by Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) below as well. She always comes up with creative prompts, so if you are feeling like you need something to write about, just pop into her page and you’ll have hundreds of prompts.

If you want to read a funny story about me burning down a fridge, check out this short story I wrote.

Oh, and check out Sri Devi Om. She has some very interesting and thoughtful stories and creative comics.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

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