avatarSenetta Diane


A House Divided

Prose on the inner turmoil of life

Photo by Daffa Rayhan Zein on Pexel

In the depths of the soul, where shadows play, A storm of emotions in disarray, A tempest of thoughts, a turbulent sea, Inner turmoil rages, consuming me.

Like a hurricane’s howl, a thunderous roar, Within my heart, this tempest I implore, To find some solace, a moment’s peace, As inner demons and fears increase.

The mind a battlefield, a ceaseless fight, Between the darkness and the fading light, Anxiety’s grip, like chains of despair, Clutches the heart with a relentless snare.

In the silence of night, I lie awake, Haunted by choices I’m afraid to make, Regret and doubt, like a vulture’s prey, Feeding on hope, tearing dreams away.

The past, a ghost, that won’t let me be, Its haunting whispers, a constant plea, To relive moments I wish to forget, A past I can’t change, a lingering debt.

And in this turmoil, I seek a guide, A flicker of hope, a star to confide, In the midst of chaos, a glimmer of grace, To lead me from this dark and endless space.

But sometimes, I find, amidst the strife, A strength within, a will to survive, To face the tempest, to brave the night, To emerge from the darkness into the light.

For inner turmoil, though it may be deep, Is a part of the journey, a path we must keep, To discover the strength that lies within, And find the peace that can cleanse our sin.

So, I’ll sail this sea of turmoil and fear, With courage and hope, I’ll persevere, For in the heart’s tempest, there’s a truth untold, That inner turmoil can make us bold.

In the end, I’ll emerge, stronger than before, With scars as reminders of battles I bore, For inner turmoil, though it may scar and maim, Can also ignite the fiercest flame.

So, I’ll embrace this inner storm’s might, And let it guide me through the darkest night, For in the depths of turmoil, I will find, A strength and resilience of the rarest kind.

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Poet Life
Emotional Turmoil
Poetry And Prose
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