A Day of Celebrating Friendship
Happy Valentine’s Day! Today, I’m celebrating friendship.

11pm, panic attack: bonjour mon ami, a night owl support listening in and doling wisdom and comfort.
6am, early wakening: depression walrus responds to the call ready to affirm and suggest feasible steps forward
what happened in the past was traumatic at best, leaving no answers, just newfound fears and uncertainty, but in community, I am healing at the very least knowing how to manage these panic attacks knowing how to reach out and ask for help.
Tagging: Life is Amazing with Books and Writers| Baye Amina | Gun Roswell | Veronica Georgieva | Natasha Kurien if you’re up to it and anyone else interested in today’s prompt: friendships to celebrate.
How to join: include the original post of the person who tagged you for reference and tag 5–10 other people (or simply “tag all”) who might be interested in this prompt! (ps, there’s no deadline on this so if inspiration strikes in 5 months and you want to submit something then, feel free to do so!)
Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) was recently pretty ill and had a pretty bad experience in the hospital, ultimately receiving no diagnosis and told “she was perfectly healthy”, despite … obviously in pain. She wants to honour the friends who supported who through this experience around the clock, particularly the night owl and early bird friends who essentially rounded out the 24h clock so that at some point, at any point, there was someone active in the discord to hop on and be comforting. This made such a difference for such a lonely, scary experience. For today, Valentine’s Day, I am honouring the healing power of friendships and community.
🌌🐰 Hop down the rabbit hole with these two pieces from me and Daniel A. Teo