A Crippled Home, A Hopeful Heart
a poem on infidelity and longing

I made this house, I made this home, I made what we promised we’d build together but I did it alone.
I prayed you don’t complain that the beige walls don’t suit your style, when you were always out and away while I put my blood and sweat into every brick, every lamp and every rug that you were supposed to pick.
The bed I bought was meant for two, I kept it neat for you to come out of the blue for fresh sheets with dim fragrant candles, fresh warm bath and silver door handles.
But you’re still away, still on the run, you’re blooming somewhere out there while the gardening here remains undone, I wonder if it brings you any shame to abandon a home under construction for a new flame.
To flee under my nose, without a goodbye, the cowardice in you left me hanging out to dry, waiting for the walls to swallow me whole till I give up hoping it’s you through the keyhole.
The home crippled, it sought a balance but the house still stands steady, It’s the home you destroyed before it even got ready.
©Arundhati Thakur 2020 Thank you for reading! :) If you enjoyed this one, you might like :