A Colourful Butterfly Or a Crusty Old Moth?
Getting older — thoughts and tips on how we best adjust
I will be 66 next birthday. What the heck!!!
I am aware that I shouldn’t find this surprising. I mean, my birthday comes around yearly to nudge me about my age. To remind me I’m getting older. And yet, a sense of astonishment comes over me when I realize.
It used to be fine. Getting older. But now, each year the number seems to be a little harder to accept. Not sure why. Maybe, as we get past a certain age, we seem to jump on an ever-speeding roller coaster, and every bump reminds us the end is closer than we might like.
It’s a bit of a mystery, but I know something is brewing. The way I think, feel, and act is changing. I’m MORPHING. My positive attitude imagines and hopes that I’m turning into a colorful butterfly. But that quieter voice in my head has a nervous shrill to it and keeps bringing up images of a crusty old moth.
Whatever is ahead, I’m determined to keep myself active in both mind and body, to continue to live a healthy life, to love with fervour and to write.
The muse for this writing idea is my annual blood tests coming up next week. These tests form part of my scheduled medical ‘must do’s’ and have since I turned 60. The list of these ‘essential’ health tasks is growing, and this year has been a particularly draining one. My eyes, teeth, feet, and hands all played up and demanded my energy and, shock horror, my finances. That’s even with private health insurance. What on earth do people with no insurance do? But I won’t go into details about these here. Maybe I’ll write about those ‘adventures’ in future posts.
I can’t help wondering if these extra health issues are just part of growing older or if I should put it down to a bad year. Our health is certainly more often part of my conversation with my girlfriends these days. ‘Have you done your poop test?’ has somehow replaced ‘Did you have any interesting dates this week?’ It’s wonderful that we are each other’s medical check reminders, but also a sure sign we are all getting older. I can’t recall us talking about our medical issues when we were out partying in our earlier decades. Or perhaps my memory is going too! 😱 Maybe I’ll make an effort and go on a date. Then I can tell them about my blood test results and my spicy date at the same time next time we catch up.
While ‘maturing’ I continue to work four days in my day job Monday to Thursday, and in my spare time. I work on my freelance business and write. I keep active by walking, running, and doing yoga. Oh, and climbing the three floors to my apartment. Who needs a gym, right? My love cup gets filled by regular catchups with my small family here in Sydney and my good friends.
In summary, I’m leading a rather enjoyable life, and yes, getting older is a privilege. The alternative is a lot worse. However, it does require some fine-tuning, encompassing both physical and mental aspects. It’s a journey we all must take at one stage if we are lucky enough to continue to live a long life, so I want to embrace getting older and try to understand myself better as I morph.
So strap yourself in and get ready for future posts about my anxious stumbling but also joyful leaps into growing older. I can’t guarantee my articles will always be an entertaining and uplifting read, but it will always be written from the heart. A heart that is still ticking with a lust for life, a heart that hopes to live to one hundred and see many more grand-babies be born, a heart that will continue to burst with love for the people in my life, and a heart that still dreams of many future adventures.
Thank you for reading till the end 🙏
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