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This poem reflects on the challenges of life and the power of memory.


The poem "A Circle of Remembrance" describes the struggles and tragedies that the author has faced throughout their life, including disappointment, disaster, illness, and loss. Despite these challenges, the author acknowledges that life is not always easy and that everyone must deal with their own portion of struggle and strife. The poem emphasizes the importance of memory and how it continues to tug at our hearts, even after the blazing fire has passed.


  • The author has faced many unexpected tragedies and losses throughout their life.
  • The author acknowledges that life is not always easy and that everyone must deal with their own struggles and strife.
  • The poem emphasizes the importance of memory and how it continues to tug at our hearts, even after difficult experiences.
  • The author suggests that we must find the courage to muddle through and survive, despite the challenges we face.
  • The poem encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and the importance of memory in their lives.

A Circle Of Remembrance

A Poem about Memory

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I have struggled my whole life with sadness,

with many unexpected tragedies along the way.

There has been more than my share of madness,

where complicated emotions have held me in sway,

I have learned to deal with disappointment and disaster

illnesses, unexpected and untimely deaths, and losses

I’ve come to realize I can never become their master,

And like many of us, I carried my share of crosses,

No one promised that life would be soft and easy,

That like kites we’d float aloft on air, nice and breezy!

But even in the best of days, even in haze, we remember,

Even after the blazing fire, there remains the glowing ember.

We all have our circle of memories that surround us,

That tug at our hearts like restless children who long for play,

Even when we think we have it figured out, things confound us,

And we are forced to face our own truths every single new day,

But such is the cycle of memory, of the ups and downs of life,

We all must deal with our own portion of struggle and strife,

And somehow find the courage to muddle through, to survive,

It is one of the many costs we must bear every day to be alive!

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