

A Christmas Fire’s Reflection

Chapter 1: Warm Homecoming Short Story

Photo by Michal Janek on Unsplash

A week before Christmas, Noelle Everly drove her 4-wheel red Jeep into her snow-packed driveway. The early evening was frost-kiss, and the sky was pregnant with snow. This week at her family’s Christmas tree farm had been long. When Noelle Everly exited the car, she saw the front door to her log cabin open.

The distant melody of July Garland singing about having a “Merry Little Christmas” filled the air, intertwining with the winter’s tranquility. The crisp cold air with the blend of crunched snow underneath Noelle’s boots wrapped around her like a woodland perfume spraying Noelle’s face. It was the perfect symphony of a Christmas winter embrace.

As she continued to walk up the stone path, high-pitched whining from her Labradoodle, Bailey, added to the crescendo of the Christmas tune. Noelle could tell that Bailey was getting very excited about her arriving home.

It took Noelle and Flint two years to teach Bailey that when they went out and left her home, they would always be coming back to Bailey. Bailey’s separation anxiety improved a bit through the years so when Noelle was out for long hours, Bailey’s enthusiasm held no bounds!

“Don’t pull so, Bailey; Mama is coming,” said a deep husky voice. Noelle gazed up at her husband, Flint, wrestling their dog to keep her from jumping all over Noelle.

Flint lost his grip on Bailey. The eight-year-old labradoodle looked like she was ice skating on her way to Noelle. As Noelle and Bailey got closer, they plowed into each other with an exuberant embrace.

The joyful reunion echoed the feelings of the Christmas spirit. One that was full of love, excitement, and merriment. Bailey’s soft, curly fur was like rubbing the hands of the cuddly Christmas teddy bear Noelle had of her father’s.

Noelle heard the crunching of snow coming her way. She looked up to see that Flint had joined them. Flint leaned in to give Noelle a big hug.

Bailey inserted herself between Noelle and Flint to stop their embrace.

Author’s photo

“Hahahahaha, group hug,” Flint said to Noelle as they were careful to give Bailey enough to still feel like she was a part of their reunion.

“Bailey, down,” said Noelle. Bailey finally gave up being part of the hug and raced back into the warmth of their house.

Flint and Noelle hugged each other more tightly now that the 38-pound dog was out of the way. His evening stubble tickled her cold cheeks.

Noelle loved the scent of her husband. He had just the right blend of cedarwood and musk. When she kissed him softly on his chilled lips, she tasted a hint of peppermint and decadent, rich mocha. It was just the right elixir for Noelle’s chilled, tired body.

She could feel her tired muscles slowly melt in his muscular arms like a hot fudge on ice cream. Noelle loved how Flint’s tall 6’2 body could envelop her 5’4 height. It was like receiving a bear hug.

“How was work at the farm today?” Flint softly murmured against her ear. A sweet vibration went to Noelle’s heart. God, she loved this man.

Noelle pulled back from the embrace and gazed into his hazel eyes that reminded her so much of Van Gogh’s painting of sunflowers in the vase.

“It was long, freezing, and hectic! But I can officially say we are finished. All the Christmas trees and wreaths have found homes this year,” she replied.

“I honestly don’t know how Mom and Dad ran this Christmas tree farm on their own for the first few years,” Noelle said as she followed Flint into their custom-built log cabin.

“Well, your dad was a driven, hard-working man. He had a vision and was determined to make sure nothing stood in his way,” Flint answered. “The operation went from two employees to fifty. That’s impressive!”

Photo by Julianna Arjes on Unsplash

Noelle and Flint made their way into their front entryway. Noelle began to unwrap herself from the winter’s cold as if she were a gift. Noelle slowly removed her red knit hat, peppermint pattern scarf, gloves, and heavy parka. She hung her parka on the wooden coat stand that Flint had built.

“The ultimate Christmas tree farm vision almost broke my parents up! Mom and Dad had to learn to work together in the business world. I think over time, they used their strengths to create this tree farm and make it more of an experience, not use a nursery for trees,” Noelle said as she turned around, looking for the wicker baskets to store her hat, scarf, and gloves away.

“We just celebrated the Christmas tree farm’s fifty-fifth anniversary in November. An incredible turnout of generations of families came to the celebration. Just listened to stories of how families would come to pick their Christmas tree, have some hot chocolate, and visit with Santa year after year. You and your family have become a bit of a legend in our parts,” Flint said as he bent down to towel off Bailey’s paws. Bailey was thrilled with the rub down from the terry cloth towel.

“Yeah, it was special. Also, it was so sweet to have everyone pay respects to us for the loss of my parents. Even though they died 22 months from each other, it was still comforting to hear that my mom was remembered. Dad was always the face of the Christmas tree farm,” Noelle said as she turned to stare at the outdoor Christmas lights.

Noelle’s mom passed away from a stroke. Her dad had passed away just 11 months ago. She had always spent every holiday with them, even after she married.

Noelle was an only child and grew up with her parents being her best friends. One day at the Christmas tree farm, Flint came to look for a tree. Noelle’s parents loved talking to Flint about trees.

When Noelle came over to help, it was love at first sight. They quickly began dating, and within 4 months, they were engaged. Flint saw the love and closeness that Noelle had with her parents. He made it his mission to seek their approval during their fast courtship.

Noelle’s parents fell as madly in love with him as she did. Flint had loved her parents just as much. Flint’s parents had passed away years before, and he had no other family. Flint was happy to be welcomed into Noelle’s family.

Noelle shook herself from memories and focused more on the twinkling white Christmas lights outside. Flint was in charge of decorating their four-acre property with Christmas tree lights.

Photo by Ice Tea on Unsplash

Every year, he did something different. This year, he had the lights decorating their little white gazebo that faced their little lake. The white lights glimmered against the midnight blue backdrop in the evening.

Flint also had Christmas light snowflakes hanging on one of their Western redcedars that lined their circular driveway.

“You mentioned that your Dad was the face of the farm, didn’t you Mom want to share the spotlight?”

“No, not really. Mom was busy raising me and doing some volunteering at the local library. She finally got more involved when I was brought in to help string up trees and decorate Christmas wreaths to sell when I was around six years old. Mom always knew that I would inherit the farm after they passed. She wanted me to become the face of the operations with Dad.” said Noelle softly.

Flint could see glistening in Noelle’s eyes as she spoke. Noelle and her mom were very close. The loss of her mom had hit her hard.

“It’s another freezing day,” Noelle said as she quickly wiped away the tears before they fell. She was tired of grieving. Noelle had a future to live and was excited about this next chapter.

“Yeah, well, what do you expect? We do live in Fairbanks, Alaska. One of the coldest places to live!” Flint answered as he quickly shut the door behind her to stop the breath of the winter from entering their log wooden cabin.

Noelle laughed, saying, “The weather forecast called for snow later. It just seems to be getting colder every year.”

“Then let me help you warm up,’ Flint whispered in her ear again as he leaned close to her.

To be continued……..

Thank you for reading.

This was originally posted on Vocal.Media

Serial Fiction
Short Story
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