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A Calculating Situation

Daily Random Word Drabble — Calculate

Photo by Naser Tamimi on Unsplash

A Drabble is exactly 100 words. It’s short. If it was a sausage, it would be a Little Smokey or maybe a Vienna sausage. But unlike the sausages, the Drabble is fiction. The sausages are very real.

Dr. Cyper was widely known for his probability calculations. But being well known is not always an advantage, as he was kidnapped by a gambling ring, forced to calculate probabilities for betting purposes.

The money rolled in.

Dr. Cypher immediately calculated his probability of escape from the gamblers, calculating a low overall probability, but a very high probability of escape if he could somehow get his hands on a cell phone.

But even given the opportunity, he calculated near zero probability his fear would allow him to pick up the phone.

He never escaped. His undoing was incapacitation by calculation.*

*paralysis by analysis

Would you like to join in? Join us in Fiction Shorts!

Here are the rules and guidelines!

Random Word Drabble Guidelines Update | by Nancy Oglesby | Fiction Shorts | Jan, 2024 | Medium

Here’s a link to the publication:

Fiction Shorts (medium.com)

Here’s a wonderful group of writers taking on the challenges of life as they share their stories through their writing. If you wish to be deleted from this list, just let me know and your wish will be granted. Just that one wish, though. I’m no genie.

Bernie Pullen, Harry Hogg, Paula Shablo, Jerry Dwyer, NancyO, Bruce Coulter, Adrienne Beaumont, Pluto Wolnosci, Brett Jenae Tomlin, Michael Rhodes, Karen Schwartz, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Ray Day, Susie Winfield, Rachella Angel Page, Lisa Guard, Lu Skerdoo, C.A. Jaymes, Busy Mama, Lynn L., Jennifer Dunne, Emma Vincent, Kelly Corinne Elliott, Karen Hoffman, Denise Kendig, Eva MacInnes, Brian Dickens Barrabee, Maria Rattray, Juli 💖 KingGood

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