
A Blueprint for Selling Self-Published Books

Mastering the Art of Building Your Audience

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

I once published a book and got 10 sales in the first 30 days of it being published. I shared this book on social media. It was put into 30 days worth of blog posts. I shared it everywhere.

Yet, after 30 days worth of content, I only sold 10 copies. And one of those was to myself and the other one was to my wife.

It was embarrassing. I was humiliated and discouraged beyond belief. Yet, I kept going. That book did go on to become a #1 Bestseller after some changes that I made to it. But in the moment, it was rough.

Self-published authors who have invested their hearts and souls into their work are likely aware that authoring the book is only the first step. Finding a tribe of readers who will enthusiastically devour your masterpiece is the next critical step in your literary odyssey.

In this article, I will give you a step-by-step plan for creating a following that’s eager to support your self-published books by purchasing and promoting them.

Most of all, it will set you up to never experience the rejection of selling so few books it’s embarrassing.

Start with Your Passion

Remember why you began writing before you go headfirst into marketing plans and audience-building techniques.

Your secret weapon is your enthusiasm for your topic or narrative. It’s what will motivate you when times are rough and what will actually engage your audience.

Write about what you are passionate about, like Tom Kuegler would advise. Readers who share your interests will be drawn to your writing because of your enthusiasm.

Create a Compelling Author Brand

In the current digital era, branding is essential for businesses and authors. Your author brand should reflect your writing style, genre, and ideals. It is essentially your online character.

  • Website: A professional author website should be set up. Your web base of operations, where readers can learn more about you and your books.
  • Social Media Presence: Participate on the social media sites where your target audience is likely to be found. Engage them in genuine conversation, share your writing journey with them, and give them a peek into your creative process.
  • Messaging Consistency: Your messaging needs to be the same on all platforms. Your branding should convey a consistent message across all platforms, including your website, social media accounts, and book covers.

It is essential to get a good base for your author brand figured out. How do I know? Because this is something I have struggled with over the years. However, it can be done, you just need to focus in on your message and your presence.

Engage with Your Ideal Readers

Engagement is critical when it comes to growing an audience for your self-published books. Here’s an efficient way to go about it:

  • Create Target Content: Create engaging content for your target audience by writing blog posts, articles, or social media updates. Offer helpful, entertaining, or insightful information about the subject or genre of your work.
  • Email List: Establish a mailing list and give readers something worthwhile in return for their email addresses, such as a free short story, access to stuff they can’t get anywhere else, or a discount on your book.
  • Be Responsive: Respond to blog comments. Interact with readers on social media. Promote conversations on the themes or subjects of your book.

This is another thing I haven’t done well in the past. I haven’t engaged. It can be hard sometimes. But the truth of the matter is, the more you engage, the bigger your fans will be. It's like water plants. You water, they grow.

Leverage the Power of Book Marketing

Even before it is released, you should continue to promote your book. Consider the following book marketing techniques:

  • Book Cover: Invest in a book cover that has been well-designed. The cover of your book makes a first impression, and it might spark readers’ curiosity.
  • Reviews: Reach out to bloggers or reviewers of books in your genre. Send them a copy of your book in advance for an unbiased review.
  • Book Launch: To generate excitement for your publication, organize an entertaining book launch event in person or online.
  • Reading Room Visibility: Consider promoting your book at your neighborhood bookstores or libraries if you sell physical copies there.

Now this is something I have done better at, especially with every new book. The key is to get people looking at your book and then converting. This almost always gets better over time.

Collaborate with Fellow Authors

Collaboration has the potential to revolutionize the self-publishing industry. Join forces with writers who write in the same genre as you or have similar readers. This is how:

  • Cross Promotion: Promote each other’s books to your respective audiences through cross-promotion. This can involve being mentioned in newsletters, getting social media shout-outs, or even co-writing a book.
  • Work Together: Contribute to or put together anthologies with other authors who write in your genre. This may expose more people to your writing.

I have done some cross promotion, but I am hoping to do more of this over the next few books. If you are interested in discussing some opportunities let me know.

The Power of Reviews and Recommendations

For independent authors, reviews and word-of-mouth referrals are essential.

Request reviews from your readers on sites like BookBub, Goodreads, and Amazon. Give readers who post reviews rewards like signed copies or access to unique material.

Ask pleased readers to also tell their friends and family about your book. In many cases, personal recommendations are more credible than advertising.

Embrace Patience and Perseverance

It takes time to grow an audience and sell self-published books.

Ups and downs, self-doubt, and days when no one is paying attention are inevitable. But remember that getting there is just as crucial as being there. Maintain your dedication, keep writing, and keep talking to your readers.

This is one of those painstaking realities of writing and publishing books. But the truth is that it takes time and you get better the more you do it. So, keep going.

Final Thoughts

It takes more than marketing to sell self-published books; you must also build genuine relationships with people who share your enthusiasm for writing.

It’s a voyage that calls for commitment, sincerity, and the readiness to adjust to the continuously shifting literary scene.

So, my dear independent author, keep writing with enthusiasm, develop your brand, interact with your readers, and remember that there is a readership out there eager to find your creative treasures.

You can sell your self-published books if you’re persistent and creative, and you can also start your own fulfilling authorial journey.

J.R. Heimbigner is a #1 Bestselling Christian Author on Amazon who writes about faith, family, and writing books. Join his Substack community and learn more about self-publishing and faith today!

Bonus: 3 Amazing Resources to help you make money as a writer!

Grab a copy of his book, Transform Your Medium Stories, and learn how to take your Medium stories and turn them into a book!

P.S. There may be sales or affiliate links in this post. So, I might get a little kick back if you purchase anything. Thank you in advance!

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