avatarLynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.


Bio | Psychology | Self

A Bit Of A Bio


selfie on a windy day

A bit of an intro to moi — and I’ll keep it short as I have lived a long time, and done a lot of stuff.

Born, raised, and educated in New York City — and yes, since you ask, I still sound like one of “those” New Yorkers. I got a great free education at Queens College thanks to “socialism.” I left New York for Boston “only” to get my Ph.D. as I had every intention of returning and living there for the rest of my life. But I fell in love with Boston and outdoor activities, and then with moving. I got that Ph.D. in Psychology and took off for Berkeley for a stretch, then back to the east coast to a few more states and Washington, D.C.

Then I moved again and currently, I reside in a floating home on the Columbia River in Portland Oregon.

During my stretch of moves, I was a professor, therapist, consultant, ski instructor, author of textbooks, mom to one human, and many cats and dogs — and an attorney. While living in D.C. I went to Law School, graduated, and practiced law for a few years — mostly as a GAL [Guardan Ad Litem] on behalf of abused and neglected children.

I love being outside and going camping. My current location offers all that. I feel like I live in a tent on an island — but a tent with indoor plumbing, internet, and electricity.

Writing? Been doing that since I can remember. I have a compulsion to write — so I do — about anything my brain can conjure up — and I have a most interesting brain. But a lot of that writing resides on my computer and I am working to get it out where others can read it. Another “lot of it” resides in archives of old published research articles and textbooks.

Editing? It feels like when I was a professor grading assignments. I try to help writers make their stories better.

I’ve had a camera too since I was a child and take lots of photos. I fell in love with new technology as it happened. I’m a happy camper now that technology has caught up with all my interests. I can write, teach, play with images [mine and others] put them all together in various formats, and actually make money while having fun.

I’m often asked when I plan on retiring. [I’m not sure why that concept still exists— but as I am prone to say: that’s a whole ‘nother topic.]

My reply is a quote from Margaret Mead: “Sooner or later I’m going to die, but I’m not going to retire.”

Happy writing!

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