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90% of Creators Are Making 1 Huge Mistake When It Comes to Email

According to this pitching expert, anyway.

Canva image.

I generally avoid notifications on my phone like they’re the plague.

But every so often, one slips through.

Today, I got a little ping from YouTube. One of the creators I follow has just posted a Short. I had a minute to spare, so I tapped through.

The creator in question was JK Molina. If you’ve never checkout out his stuff, I highly recommend having a gander. He’s pretty no-nonsense when it comes to client conversion.

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Shrinking Pain

Something he said in today’s Short really struck me:

“People’s pain doesn’t grow. It shrinks.”

He was talking about the common practice of nurturing an audience via email. It’s something I very much believe in.

His argument was, essentially: the people who are most likely to buy from you will do it right away.

Whereas the people who spend years consuming your free content never will.

Now vs Nurture

JK pitches an offer every day in his very brief emails.

He wants you to act now rather than later, after being nurtured towards his offer for a while.

Personally, I’m not a fan of daily offers without any immediate value included, so it’s not for me.

But I’ve heard this idea before, put forward by other successful creators.

And while I do think that nurturing an audience to build trust and authority is still the best way (I’d say upwards of 90% of creators prefer that approach), I can understand the rationale behind pitching early.

In my advertising business, the clients who come on board with the least fuss are those who I’ve only just connected with online.

On the flip side, those who don’t come on board in the first few weeks seem happy to just receive my free emails every week without ever really acting on them.

Which, I’ll admit, is annoying.

Have we got it backwards?

Is the email nurturing approach actually doing more harm than good to our personal brands as solopreneurs?

Maybe JK Molina has a point.

Maybe it’s best to pitch right away.

Or at least, don’t wait too long before pitching an offer.

What do you think? Pitch early or nurture first?

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