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A day filled with inspiration

9 February-Pizza in the Bathtub

No time for a toothache when you have a Bagel to eat

Photo by Benu Marinescu on Unsplash

Not many of us realize that there are days for about anything that you can imagine. There are days for marriage proposals, days for toothaches, days for reading in the bathtub as well as days for eating a tasty bagel.


Buy a pizza, make or bake a pizza, Today is Feb 9th and it is National Pizza Day. Gift a box of chocolates to someone special today, Or buy yourself some to celebrate “Chocolate Day”. If you are not in the mood for a pizza, Bake yourself a Pizza Pie for “Pizza Pie Day”.

If you feel stressed and need to relax today, Take a book and read it in the bathtub today. Would you take a special book to the tub, Or would you write a story about someone who did?

We have all experienced a dreadful toothache, At some point in our lives, it is not great. Today is “National Toothache Day”. Whatever you do, do not break a tooth today.

Fill a plate a bagel and lox today, Today is “National Bagel and Lox Day”. Do you specially prepare this? You could write a poem about it anyway.


Today is the day for all the “Owens” in the world. It is “National Owen Day”, when names come out to play. Is it still cold and wintry outside, It is time to go for a bike ride. Today is “International Winter Bike to Work Day”. Perhaps you can have a hot coffee at work today.

It is time to say goodbye to Cable television, With a big “Hello” to streaming services. It is “National Cut the Cord Day”. Have you taken the plunge and released, You and your family from Cable television. You may prefer that exciting, gleaming, Entertainment as you do the streaming.

Today is the day to develop healthy vices. It is “National Develop Healthy Vices Day”. There must be healthier options for you to choose, That way, you always win and can never lose.

Today, the patron Saint of Love, Saint Dwynwen, is honoured in Wales. There is love in the air and stars in the eyes, Loneliness disappears in the dust where it lies.

Saint Maroun, the Founder of the Maronite Church, It is celebrated today, with his message of love, Kindness and compassion for humanity. This Church is a Middle-Eastern sect of Christianity.


Enough of the serious stuff, It is party time now in Brazil today. The Brazilian Carnival is on with dancing, There is music, fun, and festivities galore. Visit Brazil to find out and enjoy some more.

You are invited to read the writings of these amazing writers and encourage them by offering claps and comments. Thank you.

Read the motivational article, *Writers — Keep Yourself Motivated by Dawn Ulmer

Read about the harmony of love in Unison by Bernard Ray

Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash
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