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The author discovers the superficiality of social media friendships and the importance of meaningful connections after spending eight days away from social media platforms.


The article titled "8 Days Without Social Media: What I Discovered About Friendship" details the author's personal experiment with digital detoxing. Initially, the author felt a strong dependency on their phone and anticipated constant communication from friends. However, interactions were limited to the exchange of memes and reels, revealing a shallow form of engagement. Over time, the lack of contact from supposed friends led to a realization about the nature of relationships in the digital age. The author reflects on human tendencies, the fear of being forgotten, and the importance of focusing on genuine relationships with family and true friends who remember and care for one another beyond the screen. The experience underscores the challenges of finding authentic friendships amidst a culture of social media validation and the necessity of seeking out meaningful connections.


  • The author initially believed they were the primary effort-maker in their friendships, feeling that without their initiation, contact would cease.
  • The absence of substantial communication during the social media break indicated that memes and reels had become the main form of interaction among friends.
  • The author felt disappointed upon realizing that the interactions they valued were not reciprocated in a meaningful way.
  • There's a recognition that everyone can become preoccupied with their own lives, leading to a natural human tendency to engage primarily with what is immediately present.
  • The author now believes that people's obsession with social media presence stems from a fear of being forgotten.
  • The experience led to a newfound appreciation for the author's family and the few friends who genuinely care, emphasizing the importance of nurturing these relationships.
  • The author suggests that in a world focused on superficial social media interactions, finding true friendship is increasingly difficult.
  • The article concludes with advice on emotional management, emphasizing the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and acknowledging that with 8 billion people in the world, it is possible to find genuine connections.

8 Days Without Social Media: What I Discovered About Friendship

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

I used to believe that I was the one putting in all the effort in every relationship and friendship. I constantly felt that if I didn’t reach out first, my friends wouldn’t contact me.

So, about 8–10 days ago, I made a bold decision to cut off all contact with my friends on social media. I limited myself to using only Medium and Slack for the latest writing updates.

On the first day, I felt lost. I had a strong urge to pick up my phone and mindlessly scroll through Instagram, sharing memes and watching reels.

As hours passed, I anticipated a flood of messages, wondering where I was and why I hadn’t reached out that day. I committed to checking my DMs only once every 24 hours, which was challenging, given my mobile addiction.

This experience made me realize how dependent I had become on my phone, to the point where it affected my eating habits.

I’ll share that part of the experience too.

After 24 hours, I found 55 messages from 9 people waiting for me. I thought, “Wow, I have some great friends!” With a glint of excitement in my eyes, I eagerly opened each message. To my disappointment, each one contained nothing but reels and memes.

It seemed that in this era of technology, memes, and reels had become our primary mode of communication.

I wasn’t quite sure what I had expected, but it certainly wasn’t just memes and reels.

Two days passed, and a college friend called me, asking why I hadn’t shared any memes. At least someone had noticed, but I couldn’t help feeling upset.

The people with whom I used to share laughter and precious moments had seemingly forgotten about me in just two days. After a while, many of them also stopped sharing memes and reels.

Reflecting on this, I realized that it wasn’t entirely their fault. It’s a natural human tendency. I thought about how there were people I used to talk to daily, but I hadn’t even sent them a simple greeting in these past few months. We are all alike.

We’re all preoccupied with our lives, and it’s a natural human tendency to appreciate what’s right in front of us.

I often wondered why many influencers are obsessed with followers and share every aspect of their lives. I now think they, too, fear being forgotten.

However, is this all I learned in these eight days? Not quite. I discovered that we tend to worry too much about what others think and say about us.

Image by StorySet

In reality, people remember you only when you’re present around them. So, I’ve learned to focus more on myself and my family because, in the end, they are the ones who truly care about me.

If you have friends who genuinely care about you, hold onto them and cherish those relationships. Through this experience, I’ve gained a better understanding of who will truly be there for me when it matters most.

In a world of showing off and shallow social media friendships, finding a true friend is a real challenge.

Final Words

I want to share that cutting off contact with everyone didn’t feel pleasant for me either. If you’re contemplating doing the same and expect it to bring happiness, it might not be that simple.

We, as humans, are inherently emotional, and not everyone can easily control their feelings. However, when you attempt to suppress your emotions, it can have consequences.

I believe the key is to seek out good friends in a world that often seems indifferent.

If the people you’re surrounded by are holding you back due to the strong negative emotions they evoke, it’s essential to distance yourself from them.

Remember, there are approximately 8 billion people on this planet, so you’ll undoubtedly find the best individuals to be around.

What are your thoughts? Have you experienced something similar about friendship?

Life Lessons
Social Media
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