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7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Fast

Or How to Not Let Negativity Consume You

Have you ever felt fed up with the negativity that surrounds you? Have you ever met pessimistic, self-oriented, or just-not-nice people who leave you drained after interacting with them? Have you ever suffered from low energy not only on a physical level? Have you ever felt stuck in a funk without knowing how to get out of it? If so, then this article is just for you.

What do I mean though when I’m talking about vibration? Well, I’m talking about spiritual vibration. The main idea is that our body is made of molecules, which constantly vibrate and create electromagnetic energy waves. Therefore, the rate of said vibrations can affect our mood, behavior body, and overall well-being. It’s not hard to understand if our vibrational energy is high or low depending on how we feel and if we’re even a little connected to our spiritual side.

Today, I’ll share 7 ways that can help you raise your vibration easily and quickly. Of course, there are many more, but I’m going to talk about those I’ve tried and I know that they work firsthand.

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

1. Meditation

I intentionally mention meditation first as it’s the best way to connect with your spiritual side and raise your vibes. Meditation can help us stay grounded, process our feelings, and calm down in times of need. If you’re a beginner, I’d strongly recommend to take it slow and make it simple: find a comfortable position (you don’t have to be cross-legged, you can just lie down if that seems easier) and set the timer from 2 to 5 minutes. Close your eyes, work with your breath, and just observe your thoughts. It’s okay if you find yourself fidgeting or you can’t empty entirely your mind. It’s one of those things that practice makes better. If you’d prefer to try guided meditations, there are a lot available on YouTube. Also, I’d like to recommend Insight Timer — it’s a meditation app with a lot of free options when it comes to guided meditations and music for it. It’s a great option both for beginners and more experienced ones.

2. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is one of my favorite ways to raise my vibes and improve my mood fast. Also, gratitude can be a life-changer in the long term as it can boost many aspects of our life. So, it’s quite simple: when everything seems to go wrong and you feel off, push yourself to feel grateful for all the good things in your life. Many times, when we’re in a bad mood, we feel like there’s nothing good in our life and honestly, we couldn’t be more wrong. The good news is that we can change this perception by setting some time aside and reflecting on all the good things in our life: our friends, family, house, town, job, health, the sunny day, the fact that we just had our favorite meal or just the fact that we’re alive, able to breathe and go through another day. Gratitude doesn’t only help us to be appreciative but also to stay grounded and in the present moment. I have a gratitude journal with prompts, but you don’t have to own something that fancy or specific — you can just write down or reflect on a few things you’re feeling grateful for right now.

3. Take care of yourself

This seems too simple, but sometimes we tend to neglect ourselves without even realizing it. When we feel drained, a quick solution is to take care of ourselves and of course, there are many ways to do that. Let’s just reflect on what we need in the certain moment. Depending on your emotional, physical, and mental needs you could spend an evening by yourself doing things you enjoy and are good for you such as taking a bath, reading a book, or watching your favorite movie or show. Also, you could just hydrate, eat your favorite meal or call a friend. Self-care can take a lot of forms and the important thing is to remember that prioritizing yourself sometimes is totally okay.

4. Get active

Moving your body is another great way to raise your vibration and, it’s something that it’s beneficial to both our physical and mental health. Now, you can pick your preferred form of exercise but if you’d like any suggestions, I love yoga and walking outside. Recently, I’ve been doing yoga before bed sometimes and it’s a great way to stretch my body and relax enough before sleep time. There are so many lovely videos on YouTube that it’s hard to pick one at times. When it comes to walking, I just love it because I both move my body and connect with nature. Moreover, when my mental health was at its worst, it was the only thing I could do and would improve my mood a little — go walking either on my own or with our dog.

5. Repeat your favorite affirmations

To me, affirmations are just like mantras. At this point, I have a few favorite ones (no more than 5 though) that I repeat in my mind when things feel tough or when I just need a little boost. Affirmations keep me grounded and improve my mood, and they’ve helped tremendously with my overall mindset. So, when you feel low or drained, affirmations are a simple thing that you can try to raise your vibration. Also, I see affirmations as a way to tell a new story to ourselves. If we’re used to negative thinking and underestimating ourselves, it’s just because we’ve become accustomed to perceiving ourselves in a certain way. It’s never too late to tell a new story to ourselves about us, though and affirmations can help with that. If you need any inspiration, you can check one of my recent articles on the platform.

6. Write in your journal

Journaling is another great way to raise your vibration in an instant. If you’ve read any previous articles of mine, you probably already know that I love journaling — as I love writing. Journaling is a good option if you’d like to put your thoughts in an order or just let them out for good. No matter if you do it on paper or digitally, you can try free — writing or certain prompts — many of them can be found online with a simple search on Google or Pinterest. Although, if you’re truly a beginner, here are 5 journal prompts that you could try and that could improve your mood quickly:

- When do you feel the most peaceful?

- When do you feel the happiest?

- What are some things that you could stop doing because they make you unhappy?

- What traits of yourself do you like?

- What does the word “courage” mean to you?

7. Get creative

If you’re feeling poorly, why not make something lovely out of a bad situation? Art is a great way to express our feelings and inner world, so let’s just take advantage of it. Do not let the circumstances stop you, so it’s okay if you haven’t done anything artistic in years or even forever and it’s irrelevant if you’re good at it or not. Just make some art and let it make you feel good again. Artistic expression is a good way to not only raise your vibration but also to connect meaningfully with your inner world and emotions. You can write, draw, paint, knit, or even dance and sing. That’s totally up to you and what makes you feel good.

In conclusion, maintaining a high vibration in your daily life can have a lovely impact on your overall well-being. Being aware of how you feel and working toward feeling better when needed will help you open yourself up to self-improvement, confidence, and positivity. I hope that you’ll find my suggestions helpful and that you enjoyed this article.

If you have any more suggestions, feel free to share them with me in the comments. I’d love to know them!

Thank you for being here today.

If you’d like to connect with me don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or support my writing by buying me a coffee.

Self Improvement
Mental Health
Positive Thinking
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