avatarMaryam Merchant


7 Things You Can Control to Live a Happy Life

It all starts with you

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

We can change the life we want. It all depends on us.

We have the power to look at things differently and enjoy every moment. No matter what your situation is. Everything has an answer — if only we take it positively.

I am listing simple and easy things we can easily control and live our life happily. It has nothing to do with money and status. It can be applied by every soul.

1. What you eat and how you treat your body

Your body is your asset. It should be your first priority over everything else. Because without it you can’t be happy nor successful. So take care and work on your body.

Your body will reward you immensely if you take care of it. Your mental health is an important issue you should focus on. Live a stressful, free, and healthy life. That’s what life is meant to be, everything else is secondary.

  • Sleep properly.
  • Hydrate yourself from time to time.
  • Eat good nutrients food.
  • Meditate.
  • Think good thoughts.
  • Exercise daily in any form.

“Your body is a machine, treat it well.”

-Daniel Ally

2. How you treat yourself

You should love yourself. Always give good and positive thoughts to your mind.

Love your body. Love your skin. Love everything you have been blessed with. Trust and find your identity. You need to love and respect yourself so that you appreciate other's love.

Start self- love. The days you treat yourself badly make sure you don’t go to bed angrily. It’s hard to do it. But it’s important for your health. Replace your pessimistic thoughts with a positive one. Be proud of who you are and never be ashamed of how someone else sees you.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”

-Brene Brown

3. How you react to people and situation

Your reaction can either win or lose you. It all depends on how you act.

If you are dealing with negative and toxic people then you need to leave that place. When you know that no matter what you say they won’t change. So don’t disturb yourself by telling worse things which later affects you.

Stop giving reactions and be silent. Listen to everyone but speak only when it is meant to be. You can’t control everyone but you can definitely control your reaction.

“The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life become.”

-Mandy Hale

4. What you do in your free time

Everyone has some spare time left in their day. The way you spend your free time can actually have a big impact on your life and your success.

It’s okay if some days you don’t make it productive but if continuously your wasting that time then you need to think. Just sit, reflect back, have a glance over it, and start utilizing your spare time. Start with small but start and be consistent.

Things you can do when you are free:

  • Read books: Books will help you to understand the world.
  • Volunteer someone: You can start with home — volunteer your mom or spouse in the kitchen. Giving back to the community will make you happy.
  • Focus on hobbies: Pursuing hobbies will relieve your stress. As we start doing things which make us happy.
  • Spend time with friends and families: Family is life. No job, no corporate world will come and help you. Only your family and friends will. So spare some time for them. It’s damn important.

You will be surprised at the results if once you take advantage of your free time.

5. Your thoughts

Your thoughts are everything. The way you trigger your mind the same way it comes on the surface.

You have the power to change your thoughts. Give positive thoughts to your mind. If you think negatively — you will act negatively. Some have estimated that we think thousands of thoughts per day.

Imagine that in a day we come across so many optimistic and pessimistic thoughts. If you come across harsh and bad judgment — you think you are unimportant. This way you believe other's reactions and choices and hurt yourself.

The important thing is we can rechange the pattern of our thoughts. So pay attention to your thoughts and change it by one positive action each time.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

-Marcus Aurelius

6. How clean your home is

Home is our heaven. Your environment affects your way of living.

A clean home doesn’t mean that every other day you need to clean your home. It’s just that you need to keep everything organized. There should not be clutter in front of your eyes.

Every action of the mess can be organized within a few minutes. But the problem is we neglect that and later on, it becomes huge. So clean your work table as you left, clean your kitchen as your food preparation is over, clean your bed as you pop out of it. It’s that simple and it takes only a few minutes.

Clean home advantages:

  • It let us focus more as there are no distractions around.
  • It allows the mind to relax and be more creative.
  • You can easily find things and you will get more done.
  • You will sleep peacefully and it will keep your family healthy.

7. Who you spend your time with

The company matters a lot. It is said that we are the average of the five-person we spend the most time with.

So surround yourself with like-minded people. Set your goals and search for people who have achieved those goals. Do the networking, because energies are contagious.

So be with people who inspire and encourage you. There are ample of people on the web who can help you, or hire a mentor, and hang around people who help you to achieve your dreams. It’s all in your hand.

“You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people that you choose to be around.”

Final Thoughts

You can do anything you can and live a beautiful life. Just don’t trigger your mind with people's thoughts and actions because they are futile. You have the potential to change every situation.

So change it and start applying things in your life which matters and which makes you happy. Remember you are the creator of your life. So own it and be your own hero.

“If you don’t control your life, someone else will.”

-John Atkinson Grimshaw

Self Improvement
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