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7 Things That Will Disappear Sooner Than You Think

Once #5 disappears nothing else will matter

Photo by Dids: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mysterious-woman-with-greasepaint-on-face-5782237/

If you look back just 25 years or so, you’ll see that most of what we take for granted today simply didn’t exist. There was no Google, no smartphones, no Netflix, no internet for most people, no email, no GPS, no online banking, and a host of other things.

Here’s a longer list from Jon Erlichman on X.

Once you realize that, it’s easier to imagine that many things that we take for granted today will disappear to be replaced by something new.

Here are 7 things that I think will disappear sooner than most imagine.

#1 — Passwords

I hate having to remember so many passwords, so I’ll be glad when they disappear. They are likely to be replaced by biometric authentication. We can already log on to our phones and banking apps using fingerprints and facial recognition. This will become more widespread.

#2 — Passports

This one may surprise you, but what surprises me is that we still carry around these paper documents. You can already travel around most of Europe without one.

I think we’ll see a move to digital passports that are probably stored on a blockchain. We’ll then be able to access them using biometric data. We’ll be able to share them with immigration services around the world and traveling should become easier.

#3 — Cash

Cash is something that will disappear more quickly in some parts of the world. Some countries will still prefer cash, but it seems like that is just trying to swim against the tide.

Soon, all our money will be on the blockchain along with our passports.

#4 — Taxi Drivers

As self-driving cars become more widespread, we’ll have no need for taxi drivers. I travel extensively and almost always come across taxi drivers who try to rip me off. Even an Uber driver did it in Istanbul. I did get a refund from Uber though. Bring on those self-driving taxis.

#5 — Your Life

I don't want to get too morbid but if you ask any older person about their life they will tell you that it seems to go by in a flash.

One moment you're a child kicking a ball around in the mud and the next moment you wonder where your life went.

We only have one life so need to make the most of it. We need to enjoy every moment of that precious gift.

Once it's over, nothing else on this list will matter.

I hope both you and I have a long life and that everything else on this list disappears before we do.

#6 — Your Job

We all know that with the rise of AI, many white-collar jobs will disappear. Most people already realize this.

What fewer people seem to realize is that their job may disappear.

We need to be aware of what’s happening and re-skill so that we’re still able to work. Life could become quite grim if our jobs disappear and we don’t have the skills needed to get a new one.

#7 — Facebook

Maybe this is just wishful thinking but I think it will eventually disappear. These days it’s a complete mess and filled with ads. It doesn’t even show posts from many of the people we follow and often shows breaking news a couple of days later. It’s well passed its sell-by-date.

What else do you think will disappear in the years ahead?

This article was originally published on ArticleFox.net.

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